Up until this morning, I have not been successful in getting a good picture of three precious little people posed together. But today, I got this one. What do you think? It reveals exactly what takes place on any given day in this home. I love how the shirt and the expression work so well together. A few minutes after this picture was taken, the one in the "sweet" shirt actually did turn into very sweet. Life is not perfect and neither are children.

After a few days of fall break, pastry chef school started again. This" pear and almond tarte " came home with her before fall break. It was so delicious!! We had to give it away to friends...or we would have eaten the whole thing. But, today...

...since pastry chef school isn't perfect either, this is what came home. I received a call to go to the emergency room at the hospital. When using a knife with a sharp, serrated blade, one just cannot be too careful. A kind doctor and some stitches later, we came home. Some moments in life bring sweet things and some moments bring tears. It is all part of the journey.
1 comment:
I don't have too many of those days right now, my "baby" is 12, but I remember well the times when the children just couldn't all smile at once. We captured the moment anyway and put them into the photo albums. Now, all four of the kids love to look back at the pics of when they were little and we have a good time laughing and reminiscing. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas! I look forward to each new one and use them quite often!
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