Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
The groom's twin neices stole the show, in their role as flower girls.
"Arch of Swords" formed by the honor guards at the reception.
I remember the day this guy was born. Time passes by so quickly.
Here he is with his dearly loved bride.
The lit brick wall formed the perfect backdrop for the wedding cake.
It was a lovely, meaningful, evening being with family and friends, and celebrating the wedding of these two special people.
Thanks to my dear neice for the amazing job she did in capturing these pictures with her camera last evening.
Monday, December 27, 2010
...that I now have my very own personal cleaning girl, and the best part is that she comes every week.
...she takes her job seriously, does thorough work and even cleans my living room cabinets.
...broom included with her on the visits.
...the fact that our three daughters and three granddaughters got to spend Christmas Day in our home. This is a rare occurence for us.
...and last but not least, I am thankful for the beautiful snow we received last evening, and that it was not too much to interfere with my nephew's wedding.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
In light of the many grave situations facing our world today, I find it most comforting for me to focus on the real, true, meaning of this beautiful holiday.
"Thanks be to God for his unspeakable Gift---
inexpressibly precious beyond words."
~Lois Lebar
My sincere wish for each of you my blogging friends, is that you would be able to enjoy time with those you love, and you will be given some memorable moments to treasure in your heart throughout the coming year.
pictures from past Country Living Magazines
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Countdowning down the days until her wedding.
The oldest grandchild meets the youngest for the first time.
These little guys just keep smiling, especially when food is involved.
Thankful for you and your visit this morning.
I appreciate that you take time to stop in and pay a visit to my very busy corner of the world. I look forward to doing the same...sometime:)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Look at this beautiful wreath I received today. It is a white wreath made with white coffee filters. My ever so creative friend made it for me as a special gift. I never saw anything like it.
I wish you could see how all the edges have glitter on them. The snowflake adds it's own beauty and the rhinestones add the perfect touch. Certainly my camera did not do this masterpiece justice.
What a simple, gorgeous gift. I will never look at the average coffee filter in the same way.
A fun, unexpected surprise in this week of Christmas.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
I looked around my daughter's kitchen. I was so impressed with the warmth and coziness of the room. The old fashion vignette at the window above her sink added pleasure to my dish washing experience after serving dinner.
The vintage postcard and tiny red lights, along with the soft holiday music playing on the radio, were the perfect way to start out my week before Christmas.
Children fill the holidays with wonder and excitement, and help me to see it all in a different light.
Friday, December 17, 2010

Ingredients are ready and the process began.

Good quality choclolate, big, ripe apples and the skills needed to put it all together...that is what was present that day in their kitchen.

Thursday, December 16, 2010
So now Grandma is developing some new habits, like when she is home over lunch time, she always eats a bowl of Vanilla Almond Special K cereal with chopped walnuts, blueberries, and skim milk.
Now, when these two little girls are at her home over lunch time, guess what?
They too eat Special K with blueberries and skim milk. They were not impressed with the chopped walnuts.
I feel so honored that they copy my taste in cereal.
They take it quite seriously...eating their cereal with me. The littliest one now uses a "big girl spoon" like we do. At age 2, the spoon seems a bit large, but she handles it well.
The older sister has mastered the cereal eating.
I know what you all are thinking now. Doesn't she wear bibs on them when they eat lunch?
When you are 2 years old and eating cereal out of a big bowl, you just got to find a way to retrieve all of the remaining milk at the bottom of the bowl.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
I know you all have your favorite recipes for tomato soup, but the above pictured was my choice this time.
I top the tomato soup with a bit of micro grated cheese and chopped parsley flakes.
A simple, quick idea for a cold, winter evening.
See how the cheese melted and blended with the onion sauce.
Wish it was dinner time.
Hope you are staying warm.