At the grocery store this week, I saw that there was a sale on pork. I chose a "butt roast, or as some stores refer to it as "end roast". I suppose that would be a preferrable name in my book. This morning I put the roast in my Pam sprayed crockpot. I rubbed some extra-virgin olive oil on it, added some salt, and then sprinkled pork dry-rub on it. I then added 1/4 bottle of "Stubb's Mild Bar-b-g Sauce" to the top of the pork. To the bottom of the crockpot, I added 3/4 cup of water. I started the crockpot out, on high for 1 hour, then for the next 5 hours on low. The time period would be dependent on the size of your roast(mine was 4 lbs.). I did not open my crockpot while the cooking process was taking place. The aroma was amazing!!!

At this point, I lifted the piece of meat out of the crockpot and onto a dinner plate. I cannot explain to you, how tender this meat was. I took a fork in each hand and shredded the roast. It only took a few minutes. This plate of food will make at least 3 or 4 meals for our family(since there are only 3 of us at home). Only two large bones and lots of savory meat, plus lots of delicious liquid on the bottom of the crockpot, to be used with rice pilaf and green peas, for meal #2.

For dinner, I lightly buttered the inside of each roll and browned slightly in my frying pan. I then filled the bottom half with the shredded pork, and finished it off by adding a layer of cole slaw. My husband prefers his pork sandwiches this way. I can tell you, that according to our taste buds...this is one good-tasting sandwich!! Because the roast was on sale, it was $7.00. Great price for 3 separate dinners. Even better, there was so little preparation time needed. I first discovered this type of roast, while watching the "Paula Deen" show one afternoon. All of this, just in case you are bored with making dinner in the evenings.
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