I must admit, I found it difficult to believe that anyone could win a million dollars for creating a recipe for Peanut Butter Cookies, but that is what I read in the little Pillsbury Cookbook that I picked up the other day. I went on the website, found the recipe for "Double-Delight Peanut Butter Cookies". It even had a short write-up about the lady who won. I knew when I saw this recipe, that someday I would try making them.

One of my favorite parts of the recipe, was that I did not have to mix up the dough. Pillsbury already did that for me(and you too, if you want to try this cookie). The only two ingredients that are not pictured are, granulated sugar and powdered sugar.

These cookies were so simple to make, smelled so good baking, and tasted amazingly delicious! If you ever decide to try this "million dollar recipe", go to
http://www.pillsbury.com/Recipes/ShowRecipe.aspx?rid=44842Oh, and I forgot to mention, she also won $5000.00 from JIF Peanut Butter Co.
The main reason for baking these today, is to take them to a family that has had two sporting accidents in a few days time...both of them required the emergency room visits. Hopefully, these cookies will help with the pain. Actually, I need to get them off of my kitchen counter. Out of sight, out of mind...oh, I wish that were true. Judy
Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm so glad to hear you enjoy it. I enjoy writing it!
Your grandbabies are so cute (and some are just so handsome--he's gonna be a little heartbreaker!) I have a bad case of baby-itis so I really enjoy looking at your pictures!
Have a wonderful day!
Thank you for visiting me today. Your comment was one of the sweetest I've ever read, and now visiting your blog I can see that it came from a very generous heart. You made my day today with your kind words, and I can see from your recipes and projects that you seem to make a habit of brightening people's lives.
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