On Sunday afternoon, I attended a colorful bridal shower, for a dear family friend. Our middle daughter is privileged to be a bridesmaid in this wedding, but because she lives so far away, she was unable to attend. It was a cold, wet afternoon, and one felt instantly better when walking into the room where the shower was held, by all the bright yellow decorations. Sunflowers always lift my spirits.
The beautiful future bride (on the right) and her lovely sister.
My good friend, and mother-of-the-bride is in the aqua jacket. Here she is surrounded by her mother and sisters. I have known this family for many years, and I know what a special heritage this bride-to-be has. It was a blessing for me to see how they all worked together to make the shower a special occasion.
One of the ways that this shower was unique, was that they requested the gifts come unwrapped. The unwrapped gifts were set on a long table and bright yellow tags identified who gave each gift. One could easily view the gifts.
Each table in the room, chose a person at their table to be the "bride". Each table was given rolls of toilet paper and were to create a bridal gown for the chosen person. It was so much fun to watch each of the groups of people, busy at work designing for their "bride". Here is the future bride's neice in her designer fashion, including a bouquet of fresh lilies-of-the-valley. I like how they braided the toilet paper for the headpiece. She was presented to everyone and we all applauded her and all the other "brides".
Here is another bridal designer fashion. The future bride's cousin models this style. This just might give you all an idea, if you are getting married in the next year:) It certainly would be a cost effective wedding gown, but you would have to pray that it would not rain on your wedding day.
It was a fun way to add an artistic touch to the bridal shower.
The centerpieces were put together by individual bridesmaids, and had to do with different aspects of homemaking. The centerpieces were the gifts to the bride-to-be, to use in her home. The centerpieces consisted of ;
Baking table,
Gardening table,
Sewing table,
Desk top supplies table, and so on...
Since our daughter was absent, I did her centerpiece for the "laundry table", pictured above.

A few months ago, I visited one of the blogs that I really enjoy, "sugarpiefarmhouse.com/", where a lady named Aunt Ruthie offers many great ideas for one's home. She did a blog post on her homemade laundry soap. She got the recipe from another blog, "beehivecottage.blogspot.com/" where a lady named Maryjane highly recommended it. I read both reviews from these skilled ladies, and still was not convinced that I was interested. But, one day I decided that if these two gifted ladies gave this recipe such a high recommendation, I would give it a try. I made the easy recipe and have been using it ever since. It is easy, inexpensive, without lots of chemicals, and smells so fresh. All of this to say, that is what I made and put in this glass cannister from Walmart. I added a plastic yellow scoop and decorated the front of the cannister with blue sticker letters from Michaels, and a flower sticker to add pizazz. All the bride has to do is add a scoop of detergent to her laundry loads.

The detergent lasts a long time. I will share the recipe with you today, just in case you are interested. I do recommend that you visit the two blogs(listed on my sidebar of favorite blogs), where it comes from also. I did make a revision, via Pinterest suggestions on this recipe. I found that it works better for me.
Recipe for detergent;
3 bars of Castile, Zote, or Fels Naptha bar soap(grated) For this I personally use the Castile bars of soap because they are white) I grate them with my hand held cheese grater(it looks like feta cheese)
one four pound box of Borax soap
one four pound box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
one four pound box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
I add 2-3.5 containers of Oxi Clean powder. I add this because like some of the Pinterest readers, I find it keeps my wash whiter, and it is my preference.
Put all ingredients in a big container and stir until totally blended. Store in a covered container and use 2 heaping tablespoons per load. Our oldest daughter found an old white agate pot with a lid, at a thrift store for me, and that is where I store my laundry. I feel a bit like a pioneer woman when I do my laundry:)
All of these products can be purchased at your local supermarket or Walmart stores.
Like the both bloggers recommend, I add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to every rinse cycle. It does not leave any vinegar smell whatsoever. This step adds a natural softness to each load of laundry.
The detergent is only a few cents per load of laundry. It is quick and easy to make. It smells so fresh and sweet, and it really gets the laundry clean. I am sold on this recipe, after using it for three months.
It makes a nice gift for others too.
Also in my centerpiece box, I added clothes pins in an old canning jar, homemade spot remover in a bright yellow plastic spray container, all in a aqua and white plastic box from Michaels, and yellow tissue. The colors of the future bride's kitchen.
It was a memorable way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I look forward to the June wedding.
I thought you might like if I shared it with you today. Thanks so much for stopping by.