Today I attended a lovely bridal shower for my nephew's future bride. It was given by her bridesmaids and it was held in a quaint, very old one room schoolhouse.

Here is a picture of the beautiful bride-to-be and her bridesmaid, which just happens to be my dear neice. All aspects of the shower were so enjoyable. The bride-to-be added such grace and warmth to the atmosphere of this party. I think my nephew is a fortunate guy.

Much to the delight of my little granddaughter, she discovered for the first time, what a blackboard and chalk were. She was so very enamored with this new found operation. She spent so much time making as many little marks on the big board, as her 1 1/2 year old fingers could do. I loved seeing her in this role, because it brought back many memories to me of my elementary school days. So very much has transpired since those days of my life. Here I am ...now a grandmother watching this little girl standing before a chalkboard, just as I did in first grade. Truly, it was a nostalgic moment for me.

I really enjoyed spending the afternoon in this old school. Not many changes had taken place over the years. Oh yes, the walls had a fresh coat of paint, but the wooden floors and doors were all from long ago. Something as simple as a blackboard and chalk, was enough to occupy her for a good portion of the afternoon.

Decorating the table was a gorgeous bouquet of pink roses in a crystal vase. Just the right touch to add a bit more charm to today's bridal shower.
What a charming place to have a shower!! Your neice and the bride to be are beautiful and your granddaughter is so cute too!
What a beautiful idea for a shower. I pray the blessings of the Lord upon their wedding and marriage. Your Granddaughter is so adorable. Don't you just love how little ones explore?
Love ya.
Judy your granddaughter is just precious ♥ What a wonderful place to have a shower. I love old buildings. It sounds like you had a lovely day. Happy Monday!
Morning girl...ohhhh how precious is that grandbaby!!!!! I love old building like that..they remind you of such a simplier time in life..blessing to the young couple...may their life be filled with much love and mercy...have a great week sweetie!
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