The longing...the anticipation...the begging, all because of a simple bubble gum dispenser like this. My husband's memories are so vivid...in his visits to his Grandfather's Ford Dealership. Just one penney would produce two colored Chicklets( with the Ford logo). His first order of business in his numerous vists, was to ask Grandpa for a penney, then head directly to the gum dispenser sitting, on the part's counter. My memories are not quite as specific...although every time I see this dispenser sitting on my kitchen counter, memories come flooding back.

Thanks to our daughter, we have this vintage looking bubble gum dispenser in our kitchen. For our oldest grandson, it is a given during his visits. However, this dispenser takes only quarters(a true sign of the times). For our two year old grandson...it is just a dream. He has tried his hardest to figure out "how" he could possibly retreive some bubble gum. When he is a bit older he will know, and his sisters will know. But for now...it remains a memory producing bit of nostalgia, in our home. What about you...what do you remember?
I love your bubblegum machine - it brings back many fond childhood memories! I used to love those LARGE gumballs!
Oh yes, we love bubble gum machines. The colors are fun and the gum is a bonus.
My hubby's grandfather owned a Ford dealership in Texas. They have lots of memories about it.
I remember it was always exciting to put that penny in the gumball machine and in return receive a brightly colored gumball. What a fun thing to have on your counter for your grandchildren.
Have a great weekend.
I love bubble gum dispensers! Especially those like yours that have the vintage look. I remember going to the car wash with my Dad as a little girl, and one of the highlights was running straight to the bubble gum dispenser in their lobby. Such a treat. = )
My dad worked at a Ford dealership a very long time ago...and I remember visiting him at work...and begging for goodies from the dispensers. Now my grands ask for 'pennies' whenever we visit our local airport coffee shop...to feed the gumball machine. Nothing has really changed...just the pennies are bigger!
My daughter loves gumballs and has a gumball machine like yours on her kitchen counter. She still can't pass a gumball machine without wanting one...only they are 25cents in the mall. Of course they are the larger gumballs too. My favorite candy that I see sometimes are the gummy coke bottles. I still love those and pixie sticks. Connie
I love this. We used to have a yellow one but one of our son's took it with him when he left home. Ours took quarters too. I wish I could find another one. Thanks for the me3mories
Morning friend..I remember those...they use to have them in the grocery store and the kids loved them! When I was a little girl we had a drugstore in our little neighborhood that was also like a little soda fountain...diner type place. You could call in and order banana splits or malts and the delivery boy would bring them straight to your house on his little scooter! lol lol That was the biggest treat for me & my sister!!!! lol lol
Thanks so much for coming by and for the sweet comment..hope all is well on your side of the mountain and that you have a beautiful weekend!
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