Two small Primrose plants, a crystal bowl of water, tea light candles with the silver holders removed, a few floating baubles, and some friends around your table...what could be better?

"Do not be overly concerned with the interior of your home, it's the inside of your heart that your quests will remember." Ann Platz
Good Morning Judy! What a beautiful shower. That's a great idea for the centerpiece. Have a great day.
What a pretty and easy centerpiece idea, Judy. Also, a lovely quote you have included in this post.
I like that...great idea! I always think of a dear neighbour lady, who told me when I was newly married...not to worry about having the house perfect for guests. Just put some special flowers on the table and enjoy your friends. She passed away many years ago...but I often think of her advice.
I really like the quote, Judy! Very good! The centerpiece is beautiful! The whole shower looks stunning! How fun!
This is lovely, all the spring flowers are coming out here in the UK, although we are told we are heading for another 'cold snap'. A little girl at the church toddler group was so excited to tell me she didn't have socks on today....can't wait 'till I can go without socks, better wait till after that cold snap though!
Dear Judy you have such a way of putting things together. This is just beautiful!
Hello Judy,
Thank you so much for your visit and your get well wishes, they truly brightened my day.
What a beautiful center piece!!! I will certainly keep this idea in mind for my next gathering.
Have a lovely evening,
Hi Judy, this is just lovely and sooo charming.
What a beautiful little Bella would have loved that! Connie
Beautiful centerpiece! What a wonderful idea. How I love that quote you shared.
Thanks for checking in on means a lot. I've not been feeling well. After a trip back to the doctor today, some new meds and spending some time with the "Great Physician", I trust I'm on the road to recovery. = )
Thanks again for your concern,
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