My dear mother, the true hostess. One cannot begin to count the number of meals she has hosted in her lifetime. And, like always, we all felt blessed to be invited to another one of her brunches.
My granddaughter helping me blow out my candles.
Pink tulips to coordinate with the soft pink walls of her home. The tablescape was so pretty.
Here I am with my two sisters, who are very good at keeping secrets too. Yes, in case you are wondering, I am the oldest in my family. What a very special 55th birthday I had! Unfortunately, my two sister-in-laws were out of town for the weekend, and could not be here to celebrate. Truly for me, this rare happening was the best thing I could have hoped for, on my birthday weekend.
Hi Judy,
What a special day for a very special lady. You have been thoroughly loved on by those closes to you who love you the most. That's wonderful.
God bless your Mother, sisters, daughters and granddaughters and all the extensions of your family.
You all look so beautiful. I would have loved to dive into that fruit bowl with all of you :)
Judy....What a special sweet of your girls to plan this special "event" for you! Looks lovely as always!!! Here's is wishing you a wonderful year ahead!!
Is every single person in your family beautiful? Amazing! So glad that you enjoyed your weekend, what a wonderful surprise.
You have even made this "terrible eater" hungry for fruit! Well done - ha!
How sweet to have everyone together in your mom's beautiful home. Looks like a very girly time to me. Happy Birthday again.
So glad to hear you had such a lovely birthday with your family! You are all so beautiful (you, your mom, your daughters and granddaughters!) And that fruit salad looked divine!!
It looks like you had a perfect birthday brunch Judy. The beautiful bowl of fruit made by your lovely mother looks absolutely delicious!! Then, on top of that to be surprised by your daughters visit and having the daughters, graddaughters, mother and sisters all together to celebrate. It just doesn't get any better than that. I'm so happy for you and also glad you shared your happy day with us.
Wow!!! What a wonderful surprise! I love that the women closest to you planned such a special celebration for your birthday! = ) So glad you shared these photos. This is one positively beautiful group of ladies...especially the guest of honor! This will no doubt be a precious memory for years to come.
Hi Judy! Aren't surprise visits the best? I'm so glad all of your girls got to be with you to celebrate your birthday. I know how difficult that can be to do when you are scattered all over the place. I can see why you would treasure that picture. I sent you an email the other day on your regular email. When things settled down a bit check and see if you got it. Going to bed. Short week this week and a lot to accomplish! Going to see my girls on Thursday.
What a lovely family! The fruit salad is gorgeous and it looks like a wonderful birthday. I have daughters too, being the mother of daughters is wonderful isn't it!? Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I'll be exploring your blog more when I get more time!
JUDY !!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
This is such a terrific post, your beautiful Mother and sisters, daughters and grand daughters.
this is the life, no?
great job girls!!
Hey Judy~
What a WONDERFUL day you had..and what a SPECIAL surprise too!!!
I just LOVED each, and every picture you've share...what a precious, precious family you have!!
Happy.....Happy....Birthday again, dear sweet friend.
p.s. THANK-YOU for your kind, encouraging email you sent truly TOUCHED my heart!!
Hi Judy,
Oh what a wonderful surprise !! what a beautiful post too! By the looks of everything you are truly blessed sweetie! Happy Birthday again! Hugs, Cynthia
I can't think of a more beautiful or deserving 55 year have your 3 beautiful daughters together at your mother's lovely table. What more can one say.
Generations of Godliness on each face; isn't God good!
I'm so glad they were able to surprise you...savor the moments of this shared joy & celebration, my friend...for YOU deserve it all.
Again, happy birthday,
love to you, jul
Judy, you have such a beautiful family. So glad you had a wonderful birthday celebration.
You are a dear.
You are one very fortunate girl!
How wonderful!
Happy Birthday Judy! I love it that Ashley came! soooooo special!
The picture with Barb brought tears to my eyes...I miss my dear friend so much! I love her...there are no words. tell her hi from me, please!
I'm asking around at our church in Eagan (where my husband used to be associate pastor pre-HOPE)about housing for Kimmy!!! I'll let you know! It's an amazing church!
What a lovely get together you must have had. Your little granddaughters are so precious and especially in those beautiful little dresses ♥ The fruit salad looks devine. You have a very special mother indeed to do this for you. I also loved the tulips. How festive and spring looking. Happy birthday Judy! I also wish you a wonderful year ahead.
Wow - what a surprise! I'm so happy Ashley could be there especially. A beautiful brunch for a beautiful woman! Happy Birthday Miss Judy...
Happy Birthday Judy! What a special day you had. You are loved and it shows. Your mom, daughters, sister and granddaughter and you are all pretty ladies. Love the tulips and the fruit salad looked too pretty to eat! You make the 50's look great! Connie
Happy belated birthday! What a wonderful surprise!
It seems we share a birthday around the same time although I am a few years older. Loved your picture with your daughters and granddaughters. Those are always to be cherished!
You have a beautiful family!
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