By now, many of you have come to realize my fascination with photography. You have seen on this blog the times that I have shared with you the amazing talent that my Uncle has in this area. Time and time again, I have tried to convey to him, how very gifted he is in capturing moments and beauty. He is a humble guy and thinks that I have a slightly biased opinion of his work. Last week he was in Florida visiting his brothers, with camera in tow. Each day he sent me a Picasa slide show from his days adventures. I told him that it was by far, his best grouping of photos ever!! He consented to let me share them with you. So throughout the next few weeks, every once in a while, I am going to share some of them with you, my blogging friends. I will do this only, because I think they are so exceptionally beautiful and they need to be shared. Hopefully you will get the same enjoyment from them that I continue to receive every single time that I look at them.

With my hot cup of coffee, and my comfortable computer seat, I have this brief amount of time to escape to the world of sunny Florida. Thank you dear Uncle for sharing your talent .
wow, amazing! how great to capture God's handiwork like that.
your uncle does have talent. thanks for sharing it with us.
I just wanted to come by and say congratulations for being one of the Internet Cafe's Top 100 Christian Women's Blogs of 2008! You are truly a blessing. Thank you for the many ways that you serve!
These photos truly are amazing. So beautiful.
Your Uncle is gifted with an eye of the Lord to see HIS beauty and transfer it via the camera lense to all of us.
I'm in AWE!!!
Gorgeous photos!! Your uncle definitely has a gift for capturing beautiful images with a camera. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to seeing more.
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