If...some morning you find yourself with one of these, a steaming cup of wonderful hot coffee, or tea if that is your preference, and if you happen to have invited a few friends into your home for a visit, you may be very happy for this....

...some "Country Apple Coffee Cake". That is what I was served some time ago, at a tea time in my dear sister-in-law's home. The table was beautifully set, the china was there(most of which was her grandmother and mother's), and onto the table, fresh out of the oven, was set this apple cake. Can you tell it was a memorable moment for me? Can you tell that I am still smiling as I remember my fork full along with my hot cup of tea? I do enjoy coffee and tea...although COFFEE is always my favorite. Even though the photo of the cake is not clear, you can still get an idea of how chocked full of apples it was.

Here is a copy of the recipe that she sent home with me, at my request. She did not use the whiskey when she made it, as it is optional. She said that it was a simple recipe to follow.
All I know, is that it tasted sooooooooooooo good to me, so I am sharing it with you.

Now, just in case you ever find yourself in need of a coffee cake...this just may be "the one".
That sounds so good. Isn't it nice when something we eat is so good that you don't forget it? Really, that's uncommon, for me. I need to have my neighbors over for coffee so I'll try to remember this.
Have a great day!
It was the cup of coffee that brought me over...while mine is still brewing in the kitchen. Your apple cake looks wonderful...I love all things apple!
Looks and sounds WONDERFUL! No wonder you're smiling just thinking about it... ; ) Thanks for sharing that recipe!
This looks like a special treat to go w/ my cafe mocha!!
That looks like a perfect addition to a nice hot cup of coffee. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Can I jump into that photo and eat that apple coffee cake?? Can you ship one over night? (just kidding). O my goodness. I'll be there tomorrow morning with coffee and french vanilla creamer -- have the apple coffee cake ready. We'll have prayer, great conversation, great coffee and an awesome piece of cake together. Ok, so it can't happen tomorrow but you never know when!!!
Judy, that looks soooo good! I will need to copy that and try it!
I want to thank you for coming by and entering the 100th post giveaway. I don't think I have ever been to your blog before. I can tell already I will enjoy my time here! I will be back to look around more. Right now I am playing catch up...lol :) Please come back anytime and visit! Blessings to you, Nancy
This looks so delicious. Thank you for the recipe. I will try it :>)
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