My daughter and her family live in one of those neighborhoods that many people dream of living. It is one where neighbors care deeply for one another, and spend time visiting with each other, helping out each other, with most of them having lived there a long time. This Santa was the visiting son of one of the neighbors. They invited my daughter and her family to join them for the evening. She sent me these pictures and I just had to share them with all of you. I wish I could know what was going through my grandson's 2 year old mind, in this picture.

Even my littlest granddaughter and her big brother seem to be having a good time. Imagine, your own personal Santa...not having to share him with the rest of the world...and having his undivided attention.

My daughter, who cried whenever she saw Santa as a child. One of the reasons she may be smiling is because she gets an opportunity to sit still for two minutes. For her, that is a rare privilege, with three children under three years of age.
A family picture with Santa...how special!

A few weeks ago, at the Mall, he ran and cried when he saw Santa...what happened? I suppose he realized that this guy was a friend first and a Santa second, by the fact that he was tying his shoe.
Just knowing that Christmas is only a few days away, brought happy smiles to these two precious little girls.
The joy and laughter of children...what a blessing in this world. And, the love and care of neighbors...another added blessing in this Christmas season. My prayer today is that each of us can reach out to others with kindness and concern. Life is difficult...hurts are many...we need each other.

A family picture with Santa...how special!

A few weeks ago, at the Mall, he ran and cried when he saw Santa...what happened? I suppose he realized that this guy was a friend first and a Santa second, by the fact that he was tying his shoe.

what fun!!! and what a gorgeous family you have. i know where they get it from.
What a FUN time. When my kids were younger...my Mom use to pay a Santa...to visit her house on Christmas Eve and bring one gift to each of the grandkids.
So precious.
Merry Christmas
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