Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Schools are closed.  Businesses are closed. And it is still snowing.  But in spite of that,
it is a very special day.

Original plans changed for dinner tonight.  Instead we were invited for a birthday lunch
celebration at our oldest daughter and son-in-law's home, for a nice, quiet, candlelight meal:) 
Well, maybe not quiet, but it sure was lots of fun.   With another snow day, their mother has
her hands full trying to find things to keep five little ones occupied.  Our arrival was a fun
diversion, and they went to great lengths to prepare for it.

The children made streamers to hang from the ceiling, and they made white paper birthday
hats for all to wear.

Anticipation was high and their excitement blessed both my husband and me.  We liked
hearing them sing "Happy Birthday" to this guy who is so loved in their lives.

Our daughter made a delicious pot of hot chili, cornbread muffins, garden salad and
nachos.  It was a perfect snowstorm luncheon!  The hospitality was the best!

Including a bouquet of fresh flowers as a centerpiece, thanks to our son-in-law's
morning trip to the grocery store.

And of course, no birthday celebration is complete without three
rousing games of Candy Land.
 Our oldest daughter and her dad share many similarities.
So, even though we are in the midst of a major snowstorm,
we had the best time celebrating one extra special guy in
all of our lives, and the sixty-two years
God has given to him.
Thanks so much for stopping by, and if it happens to be your
birthday too, we wish you a "Happy Birthday" too!


Happy@Home said...

Despite the fact that I was talking about Spring today, I still think a freshly fallen snow is so pretty and makes me want to be all warm and cozy.
It seems your family has done an exceptional job of getting warm and cozy and having fun despite the weather.
It was a joy to see each of your photos tonight, Judy. The love the grandchildren have for your husband is SO evident in the second photo. Happy Birthday to him!

Stacey said...

Happy Birthday to your husband! What a wonderful way to celebrate and take advantage of being snowed in. :)

Debbie said...

Looks like the perfect way to celebrate! Happy birthday to your husband! My hubby just turned 62 too.

a woman who is said...

Such a perfect grandparent kinda day! I am envious of the snow, the delphiniums, and the great birthday party fun! We have had no snow, and I definitely need to find me some delphiniums. Way to enjoy a snow day.

Judy said...

I'm really late in coming here...and so these birthday wishes for your hubby are not on time, but genuine all the same. Happy birthday from both of us to a great guy! It looks like you had the best kind of celebration despite the winter storm...a warm and cozy evening with those near and dear.


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