Part of us had a get- together last evening. The other part of us had a their own, bigger get-together in their home state.
The purpose of these two separate get-togethers was to reveal some important, secret information.
Early in the week, an ultra sound had been taken, the sex of the baby had been revealed to the doctor. It was secretly written on two separate pieces of paper. Individual papers, were sealed in two envelopes.
One of the envelopes was delivered to a local bakery, and the other envelope was mailed to our youngest daughter. Both envelopes received the utmost secrecy.
Sunday evening was the time chosen for the revealing information.
We gathered at our oldest daughter and husband's home.
They gathered at their home with friends and family.
The balloons, the plates and napkins, the everything was pink and blue, including the clothing choices of each quest, dependent on what their guess of gender would be. I wore pink, and my husband wore blue.
There is no mistaking this color of icing. I was right!
We are all excited...

...and so are these two.
Congratulations to the two of you!
Thanks to these two we learned a new method in revealing the gender of
a precious little one waiting to be born.
What a miracle...a new little baby is being created, and we are thrilled!
Yay!! I hope to one day have a "gender reveal" party!!
How wonderful and exciting! I've only recently begun hearing about these parties. What a great and fun idea! Don't you love Skype? Congratulations on the new baby girl who will soon be a part of your family! = )
yay yay yay! so excited for YOU and Ashley! How much FUN!!!
woooohoooooo!!!! SO SO SO Happy!!!!!
What a clever lot you are and a really fun way of you all being involved with the exciting news. Congratulaions to all!!
Now I have to say that you all know how to make something fun! I've never heard of a gender revealing party. Love it!
What a SWEET...SWEET..SWEET...way to find out you will be BLESSED with a precious Grand-daughter.
Congrat's Grammie. :-)
Oh Judy I just love this! What a fabulous idea. Congratualtions to all of you ♥
What a neat way for all of you to be together for such an important announcement! Granddaughters are sweet.You will have a ball buying clothes for her... so many pretty things out there!God bless!
Such a blessing and what a fun "reveal" . . .
What a great idea! AND CONGRATULATIONS!!! Looks like you will be doing a bit more travelling in your future. How exciting!
So happy for you and your daughter!
Congratulations! I would be excited too and hope someday to have that experience:) Happy, happy day!
hugs, Debbie
What a wonderfully creative way to share a party together. A gender reveal was a new one for me. Congratulations to you all. Each new addition is soooo much fun and a gift. Enjoy!
What a fun and clever way to include the whole family in the big reveal! I just LOVE enthusiasm, especially when it comes to new babies! Congratulations and best wishes asyou anticipate the arrival of a sweet grandaughter! Looking forward to lots of sugar and spice and everyting nice! :)
What a wonderful way to celebrate a coming baby! My sister is due this week and she is making it a surprise for all of us - which of course drives me crazy!
Oh my goodness ~ what a fun and exciting way to find out the gender of your next grandchild. I'm sure it must be hard to be far apart, but this is a nice way of sharing this special moment with all of the family. Congratulations to all of you.
that is fantastic!! love the idea. how great to have all been able to share it together.
another little girl that will get to be blessed by having you in her life!
What a creative way to receive such precious news! Congratulations.
Hi, Elaine here over from Tracy's blog. Congrats on winning the book. I pray it will be a blessing to you.
Congrats on your exciting news! What a great way to find out if it's a boy or a girl! :)
OOOH YAY A GIRL! ...I had a feeling it would be! :)
I absolutely looove that idea, and how it involves family and friends in the process! Congratulations!
You are so creative on your gift giving Judy.
Congratulations on your new grand daughter. Yes!!! Another reason to buy more pink :)
Oh Judy, how exciting....we are supposed to find out on Friday what our first grandchild will be!! I bet it is just as exciting every time!!!
cute, cute way to have everyone enjoy it, and what fun!!
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