case you are ever in need of ways to entertain your little ones...
Big towels on the floor.
Water in both sinks.
Two kitchen chairs slid up to the kitchen sink.
A small tin watering can.
A plastic funnel.
A 2-cup measuring cup.
A few small unbreakable bowls...

An hour and a half of simple, free entertainment...surprised that my idea worked.
The older ones tired of this...and after her nap, it was her turn to step up to the plate.
It was all hers, and she found it too good to be true.
A half hour later, she was still totally absorbed in her new found water world.
I can feel the joy squishing from your posting. What a pleasure those two little ones must have had!
What a joy to watch too, I'm sure!
BTW, thanks for the tip --- I don't have little ones around right now, but you never know.
Aren't you the smart Grandma.
It's funny how the simplest things entertain little ones. Good call!
Funny how the simplest things entertain kids!
I've never seen a kid that didn't like water. Mine still do! At least water sports:) I think you had a great plan there!
You are teaching them math sense Judy! It's true and their teachers will be very happy about it. :)
Oh yes......water is THE activity for children!!What fun they are all having, especially the little one with it all to herself. Well done Grandma!
Now that's what I would call some good, clean fun. You are one smart grandma to think up this clever entertainment idea.
isn't it funny that the simple things seem to always win out! The big expensive gifts get broken or put aside. The creative, free gifts are the most fun for the kids. Ours used to pull each other all oveer the tile floor in my kitchen in my plastic laudry basket. The other big hit was a huge cardboard box from an appliance. We decorated the whole thing as a house, they used their markers for the windows and door, and then they completely got lost playing house, in and out. Never has a box gotten so much mileage!!
This was such fun Judy, thanks for sharing the precious pictures!
Adorable Grandkids! :)
They are so sweet!
I'm smiling as I read this...and thinking of the times my grands have had similar activity time at my place. And the towels on the important step!
Taking this down for my "Someday Grammy Activities" notebook! = ) Great idea!
You're a creative and smart Grandma! No surprise here!!
Now that is a great idea =] Thanks for passing it along.
CUTE CUTE CUTE!! Oh Judy, this brings back loads of old memories and a few new...
I did this as a child in my Grandparents sink, my girls did it in my sink growing up and last yr my grand babies were splashing in the sink. One was in the sink literally and the other was playing in the other sink with Grandma (me) in the middle of them soaking wet and having a blast!!!
I am praying still for God to relocate my daughter's family to Florida soon. They want to come and so please pray with me Judy. I so want them to live close by so that we can be helpful to our daughter and be a part of the grand babies lives close up. I know you understand...ok my big tears are pouring so I'll say, love you!
I've done that too and what fun they have! You are a wonderful grandma and enjoying it so much like I do. The simple things are the best entertainment.
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