Thursday, May 20, 2010


"A friend understands what you are trying to say-Even when your thoughts aren't fitting into words."
~Ann D. Parrish
~Picture captured by my daughter last week. I think it is an award winning picture of two precious little girls.


Crickit said...

Sooo adorable! :)

Marty said...

Priceless preciousness!!! Someone needs to come up with a catchy phrase to match the one of the two little boys with a similiar pose with the caption "Been farmin long?" This is truly one that belongs in a frame.

BARBIE said...

Oh this is so precious. What a great capture!

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Love the purse!

Barb said...

Judy, it is soooo precious. Friendships are a true gift from God.

Barb ♥

From the Kitchen said...

Adorable little girls! I just found your blog and look forward to reading more.


Judy said...

I love it!

Caption...'Going to Town'.

Tracy said...

I couldn't agree with you more! Precious! = )

Happy@Home said...

Without a doubt this photo would capture first prize in a photo contest. From the way her little Dora purse is so gently perched on her arm to the little pink shoes to the way they are looking at each other as they walk along, it just screams CUTENESS!!! I'm so glad you shared it and your quote is perfect.

Miss Debbie said...

Now that is just too cute! I would love to know what they were talking about!

Melinda said...

What a pair of cuties! Love the purse. Can you just imagine what they could be saying to each other?


Dale said...

Obviously, I think it's a prize winner!!

Connie said...

That is so precious!!! I love it and the purse!!! much fun and so important to each one of us and can start so young.


Anonymous said...

Like Country Dreaming said, can you just imagine what they are saying to each other... "blah, blah, blah, and can you believe what she was wearing!" They are just adorable!

Diana Ferguson said...

It is so cute!!!!!!!

Rach said...

Aww! What a sweet bond already.

corners of my life said...

These girls will LOVE this photo when they are all grown up. You are are right - it could win a prize . . .

LisaShaw said...

This is PRICELESS!!!!

Jen said...

What a special day it was. Aren't they the cutest little girls? Their mother's MUST be stunning. :-)


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