I thought you might like to see one of my friend's accomplishments. Last summer she grew this Morning Glory in her back yard. I know many people do that, but hers seem to favor the spot that they were planted in, and reproduced in abundance.
I learned that many people think of them as a weed, and they are related to the bindweed, which is a wild morning glory. The flowers will greet you in the morning and then fade by the afternoon, throughout the summer. I learned this from ...oldfashionliving.com. I think it is an interesting place to visit.
I learned that many people think of them as a weed, and they are related to the bindweed, which is a wild morning glory. The flowers will greet you in the morning and then fade by the afternoon, throughout the summer. I learned this from ...oldfashionliving.com. I think it is an interesting place to visit.

This is a play house her husband and their good friends built for their grandchildren, a few years ago. Being the creative and talented people that they are, they used old barnsiding and tin to complete this project, and knowing them, I am sure they did it all for $ 20.00...okay, that may be an exageration. But, they always amaze me at how they create without spending very much. She dreamt about this little house for years before they built it. I think the porch and the rocking chair certainly add charm to the project. What a beautiful addition to one's backyard. I am sure when their grandchildren were younger, they spent many fun hours in it.

Wishing you some of your own "dreams that come true" this summer.
Lovely pictures of the morning glory. I love them. That is is cutest playhouse I have ever seen. I breaks my heart everytime I look at the things the grands used to play with. Blessings
That is just gorgeous! We have the *other* kind of morning glory (bindweed) here...it is bad stuff!..but that is just beautiful!
And those 2 little girls...now *that* is precious and made me smile:)
Have a great day!
A dream come true would be that little house with that bush...in MY backyard!! Oh, how I love that!! LOVE it!
Do you think your friend would mind if I came over with my cup of coffee and sat in the rocker on the porch of that adorable little playhouse? It would be heavenly to sit there and gaze at that beautiful morning glory. I'd be happy to bring enough coffee to share and I'll even bring a coffee cake. ;-)
Seriously, that is the cutest thing I have seen in a long time. I admire people like your friend who are able to envision things like this and also have the talent to build them.
Thanks for sharing this and the oldfashionedliving.com site. I'm not familiar with that one, but I plan to check it out.
Have a wonderful weekend, Dear Judy.
SO FUN! And what a BEAUTIFUL morning glory! I, too, dream of a lovely playhouse for my grandchildren. Oh, I have such a looonnnnngggg list of dreams! :)
SO FUN! And what a BEAUTIFUL morning glory! I, too, dream of a lovely playhouse for my grandchildren. Oh, I have such a looonnnnngggg list of dreams! :)
Beautiful! I've always loved morning glories and what a charming little spot they built!
Beautiful! I wouldn't mind having that playhouse in my backyard...the grands are on their way over.
Beautiful photos, love the little play house!
Lovely post Judy, that little house is amazing and the Morning Glory certainly brings added beauty.
I wish I could go sit on that darling porch!!
When I was growing up, my friend down the street had a playhouse. We spent many happy days there "pretending". That is a neat looking place and the morning glories are "glorious"!
I have had Morning Glories growing on my porch and arbor for 25 years and have never had a display this abundant! It is gorgeous as is the playhouse!
I can imagine the hours of enjoyment in that playhouse! I always wanted one as a child. Those morning glories are beautiful! I have a white one at our downstate home but now I'm wishing I had a pretty blue one!
I love the little shop and the morning glory's are just beautiful..........just beautiful. Thanks for sharing this. XO MARY
I adore the play house and the flowering bush.
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