Last evening we returned home from our days at the beach. It was a special time, a time of fun, work, learning, and time spent with the dearest little children on this planet. Notice I did not include "relaxation"...a word often used in with the word "vacation". No, not this time. My husband was away for a few days spending time with his brothers in the west. Her husband was away on business. Her, her three babies and her two on the way, her 10 year old neighbor who helps her by playing with her children in the summer, my mother, and me. Off to the beach we went in her van. Now, I must tell you that I have read and conversed with others of my age, about the "sandwich generation", that some of us find ourselves in. I will now be able to discuss that more intelligently with others after the last few days of finding myself in that exact position. I found myself asking what is my role in each given situation. Life's experiences and lessons are all part of the journey, and I would not have traded the last few days.
We pulled out all of the stops in coming up with ideas to entertain these precious children. This moving aquarium light was something that did just that. Each time they saw it, they were captivated.
Here we are walking on the boardwalk...double stroller, single stroller, great grandma, maw maw and neighbor girl. Can you imagine getting caught in a heavy downpour in this situation, or trying to walk into any of the stores, or dodging bicycles that are allowed until 11:00am?
Swimming in the toddler pool and the big much fun!
The neighbor girl(what a big help she was on this trip) purchased this hermit crab, which proved to be another form of entertainment for the children. I wish I could tell you some of the questions this little guy had regarding this newly discovered pet.
Mealtimes were challenging. Helicopters, tablets with crayons, and caterpillars that crawl...we used them all. They did great, eating broccoli soup, grilled cheese sandwiches, french fries and peaches. Oh, did I mention chocolate milk?
Each new thing they discovered was exciting! The youngest ones were not quite tall enough to see through the holes without help, but that did not stop them.
Pizza...some of the best pizza ever...we all enjoyed this together, from the youngest to the oldest, a favorite!!
The lights and sounds of the boardwalk always bring back memories for me. I have been coming to this beach since I was a little girl. I have walked on this boardwalk, swam in this ocean, and sat and read on this beach. Now, here I am years later, pushing a stroller as a grandmother to these little did it happen so fast? The wonder, intrique and excitement in their little eyes, took me back. The joy and blessing of these moments in time, were priceless.

Like everything, the time came too quickly to say good bye and leave for home. Yes, it was an extremely busy three days but I would not trade the memories of it. I observed and found an even greater respect for my oldest daughter and her management, creativity and patience with her three babies and the two on the way. It truly did my mother's heart good to observe her in this role. My mother is at the opposite spectrum of life, and I enjoyed observing her in her role as great-grandmother, and the wisdom and kindness she portrayed. Me...I am continuing to learn in my role in this journey, when to speak up, when to be quiet, when to help, when not to, learning and loving it all.
Like everything, the time came too quickly to say good bye and leave for home. Yes, it was an extremely busy three days but I would not trade the memories of it. I observed and found an even greater respect for my oldest daughter and her management, creativity and patience with her three babies and the two on the way. It truly did my mother's heart good to observe her in this role. My mother is at the opposite spectrum of life, and I enjoyed observing her in her role as great-grandmother, and the wisdom and kindness she portrayed. Me...I am continuing to learn in my role in this journey, when to speak up, when to be quiet, when to help, when not to, learning and loving it all.
Boy you said it. I am soon to enter the greatgrandmother role. I have not done such a good job sometimes, I think, on the Mother and Grand mother platform. You are so right. They are each new roles when they come to us. Your pictures are great and you can see the happiness in the little and big faces. Blessings
Oh Judy, I know that trip had to be a alot of hard work but it looks like so much fun. Those kids are so precious.
Yes. . .I can also relate to the learning of when . . what . . .and when not to say. . and to help or not help. . ever trying to be sensitve.
Wow. ..3 and 2 on the way. . I'm sure you will not ever have any dull vacations ever. . .with your grands.
I loved the pictures. . .
Wow Judy you must have had a busy time, the photo's are lovely. How old are you daughters children? and now she is having exciting and so good that she has you close by. I am off to spend a week with my daughter and her twins tomorrow. Can't wait! Thank you for your lovely comment on my post. How blessed we are!
Oh my goodness...I can't even imagine how busy your daughter will be! I recall when our twin granddaughters arrived...and life was a bit of a blurr for the first while. But what fun times...and what precious children...and how special to share a vacation with four generations. I can identify with your feelings...when to help and when not...when to speak up and when to be quiet...with those who are older and those who are younger.
Your trip to the beach looks like a very special time for all of you. I loved looking at all of your pictures especially the one of the kids enjoying the moving aquarium. I can imagine your daughter will really have her hands full when the twins are born, but she appears to be very good at handling it all.
I'm bummed I missed ya'll.
awwwwww you must be the best g-ma on the planet!!! You are so sweet I loved reading this post and the sweet words you had to say about your daughter. So cute, Judy, thank you!
PS~ I hadn't heard that she's pregnant again and it's twins?...just so I'm understanding the math on that going to be 5 kids 3 and under?
Annnnd, how fun for your side of the family so close in age to Lindsay's twins!!! I love it!
Judy, no doubt you wear whatever hat you need to with absolute grace. I love that you find the joy even in the challenges. That's a gift -- and I appreciate you sharing it with us. All the pictures make me long for a trip to the beach. It's been 2 years since we've been there...I need the sand between my toes!
What a wonderful family you have...hope that mine "grows up" with the same wonderful bonds.
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