Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Simple Summer Pleasures

If you are having friends over for a cookout or a casual meal, this might be a easy, refreshing and low cal desert to try. Take a plastic lined basket, fill with crushed ice and place whatever kind of popsicle in the ice. If you have the freezer space, you can do it ahead of time, and just place it on the center of the table, so that everyone can help themselves. Because it is plastic lined, it does not matter if the ice starts to melt.

These fruit bars are one of our favorites. My husband and I both think these are refreshing and taste good, but there are many other flavors and brands to choose from.

For the two of us(the empty nesters), this is our summer drink of choice. Ice water with a few slices of oranges, lemons and limes(carefully scrubbed clean). I try to keep a picture of this in our refrigerator for easy access. We think this is a healthy, thirst quenching drink.

Roses from my garden, brought into my kitchen add simple summer pleasure to my days. I use the term "garden," but after seeing many of the pictures of your gardens in blogland, I should say, my tiny flower bed. At this point of the summer, roses, daisies and ferns are all that are blooming. But that does not stop me from cutting and displaying them for our pleasure.

One of my good friends introduced me to "Becky" daisies last summer. Let me tell you how excited I am with this new discovery. The stems grow straight, and there seems to be so many flowers. I like them much better than the daisies that I used to grow. Now, I can't wait until they multiply like hers have over the years. These daisies are my favorite. She has them planted with black-eyed susans, and her flower beds are amazing.

These truly are simple summer pleasures that bring joy to this blogger. Thanks for the privilege of sharing them with you.


Kathleen said...

I just LOVE dropping by your blog. If nothing else, the color & vividness makes me smile. So, too, the sugar-free popsicles!

Yep, your simple pleasures are indeed "just a little something" for my today. Thank you.


Lauren said...

Judy, you have some of the most clever and charming serving ideas I've ever seen -- and I watch A LOT of HGTV!! Seriously, I just like your style.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again - I so wish we were neighbors!

Happy@Home said...

Thanks for sharing your simple summer pleasures. If you don't mind I may make some of them my simple summer pleasures too!! I love your idea for adding the limes, lemons and oranges to the water. It looks so pretty in the clear pitcher. Also, I am curious to give the Becky daisies a try. I think they are such a cheery flower.

Enjoy your Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

I love all your tidbits of info just things I would never think of. Thanks so much for sharing them

God bless,


Judy said...

I love the unique way of serving popsicles...and I know just the gang that will appreciate this. Simple pleasures are the best kind!

Tracy said...

Refreshment. That is certainly something I get from visiting you here. Those fruit pops sound wonderful as does your wonderful pitcher of iced water. Love those simple but beautiful flower arrangements, too! = )

Journey said...

Great serving idea. Pitcher of ice water made me thirsty - so appealing. Your flowers are beautiful!

Melanie said...

I love the "iced pops" idea! Great for a kid's birthday, too.

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

I think I need to swing on by...and sit a spell on your porch..and enjoy some yummy summer treats!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Judy, Another great way to serve a simply delicious dessert. I eat a lot of sugar free popcycles in the summer :>) Your flowers are beautiful. I too like to have fresh flowers in my home and especially during the summer months. I hope you are enjoying your day ♥

Anonymous said...

cute idea for the popsicles, simple and refreshing. i just think i might give it a try at the next family gathering

Anneliese said...

You have a beatiful blog! I wanted to finlaly thank you for the comment you left for me and just clarify that it was my niece who had twins, not my daughter.
We do have a lot in common, though, and I wish you all the best wether your nest is empty or full. Ours will be full next week, when our two married daughters are coming home from out of country.
We only have our youngest, married son living close.

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

I am totally doing the popsicle thing! Thanks so much!

Shelley said...

Seriously, you always have the best ideas! Love that fruit popsicle idea! And those Becky Daisies are very pretty! I would love to have a bouquet of those!

Miss Gracie's House said...

Ahh, that looks refreshing! Love all of your new posts, especially the one about taking pics of flowers-it reminded me of my dear *Grammy*...so very sweet.
Have a great week,

Blessings each day said...

Well you posted my favorite drink and my favorite popsicles.

You have a gift for making everything look so pretty, fresh and appetizing!

blessings and hugs,


Wanda said...

Those fruit pops are a favorite in our home, too! I enjoy all of your pictures and just adore your posts, Judy! You never cease to amaze me!

LisaShaw said...

I so enjoyed this precious Judy. I always long to get over to your blog since I don't read blogs except twice per week as GOD has led, it makes it tough for me not to catch up but I am being obedient to Him and it's truly been a blessing and an opportunity to fulfill the other things He's assigned as well.

Anyway, thank you for always making me feel at home when I visit you. I'll take a Popsicle now please. Love you.

Anonymous said...

I am going to try those daisies. I love them for bouquets.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I just LOVE the popsicle idea...it looks sooo cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog recently!

Happy Summer, Carrie

lindsey said...

The iced lolly idea is great, now all we need here in the UK is some hot weather to try it out!I am looking out at trees blowing and rain coming down. stange to think that last week I was on the beach.


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