Seems like everywhere I look I see zucchinis for sale. It must be a bumper crop this year. I have several favorite recipes for zucchini, that I resort to each summer. The one I made today was from" The Taste of Home Cupcake and Muffin Recipe Magazine". It is simply "Zucchini Muffins". I really like this particular recipe because it includes some of my favorite ingredients. If you happen to like these ingredients, you may want to try this easy recipe also. This recipe only makes six muffins, so I tripled it.

Recipe; 3/4 cup all-purpose flour

Recipe; 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 tea. baking powder
1/4 tea. baking soda
1/4 tea. salt
1/4 tea. ground cinnamon
Put these six ingredients in a large bowl and stir.
1 egg
1/4 cup canola oil
1/4 tea. vanilla
Stir together and add to bowl of dry ingredients. Stir only until moistened.
1 cup finely shredded unpeeled zucchini
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/4 cup raisins(I prefer the yellow ones because they are softer)
Fold into the bowl of batter
Spray muffin tin or small bundt pan with Pam, and fill each 3/4 full. Bake 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes, or until firm to touch. Let cool and then invert onto plate. Yield: 6 muffins recipe submitted by Peg Gausz, New Jersey
Sometimes, if I am in the mood, I cut small hearts, stars or flowers out of refrigerated sticks of butter that I slice. It just adds an extra touch of beauty, to the plate.

I took this pretty rose plate that my daughter found at the Goodwill store for 1.oo, added a lace doily and the small zucchini bundt cake, sprinkled it with 10x sugar and added the two tiny butter hearts. It is a small token birthday gift for a very dear lady at our church. It is her birthday and she lives with constant back pain, despite her many surgeries she has received. I thought this may remind her that I think of her and pray for her often. I will lighly add plastic wrap to cover this, and a simple, homemade card. As for all of the rest of the zucchini muffins and bundts...well, who knows where they will end up, but for now they will go into my freezer. If you were here, we would sit down right now on the porch and have coffee, tea and muffins(maybe they would even have tiny heart butters on them).

I took this pretty rose plate that my daughter found at the Goodwill store for 1.oo, added a lace doily and the small zucchini bundt cake, sprinkled it with 10x sugar and added the two tiny butter hearts. It is a small token birthday gift for a very dear lady at our church. It is her birthday and she lives with constant back pain, despite her many surgeries she has received. I thought this may remind her that I think of her and pray for her often. I will lighly add plastic wrap to cover this, and a simple, homemade card. As for all of the rest of the zucchini muffins and bundts...well, who knows where they will end up, but for now they will go into my freezer. If you were here, we would sit down right now on the porch and have coffee, tea and muffins(maybe they would even have tiny heart butters on them).
Just in case you need another quick bread idea to use as a gift, I created this last August. It is on my August 18th post. There are many variations of this gift, but I thought I would share this one again, because I like how it turned out. Fun, inexpensive and I want my gifts to be. Wishing you a fulfilling and relaxing Saturday.
Oh WHERE, oh WHERE could those extra muffins go? Oh WHO oh WHO could they bless? May God grant you the ability to truly seek out the appropriate soul to bestow them on! God love ya!!! :)
Oh my those look delicious, & the way you have garnished it WOW!
Thanks for letting me peek if only there was scratch & sniff here...
That is beautiful and came through so beautifully in the photos. I have a zucchini bread friendship recipe. Do you folks do the starter recipes and pass them around? That is fun way to use the zucchini. Blessings
Those muffins wouldn't last ten minutes in our house. forget the freeser LOL Thank you so much for the recipe. I just love how you cut the little hearts out of butter. What a cute idea. I am going out to look for some small cookie cutters next week. Such a pretty presentation and great idea! You are a good friend Judy to so many people. You touch my heart with your kindness. I'm so glad I met you here in blogland.
Hi Judy,
Your recipe sounds so delicious with the addition of golden raisins and walnuts. Thanks for sharing it with us. I also love your idea for making butter hearts. You have such a beautiful way of blessing others with your time, talents and kindness. I am so happy your daughter persuaded you to start a blog as I always come away from my visit here feeling so happy and inspired to be a better person.
Lovely photos.... wonderful ideas. Loved the butter hearts as a garnish.
It's amazing how many ways there are to use the ubiquitous zucchini! Enjoy them all.
Oh yum! These will go so well with the spinache souffle I'm making for breakfast.
Why is it that zucchini muffins seem like a really good idea about now? I love the mini-bundt pan idea, and have been on the lookout for those pans (no success as yet). I have zucchini in the fridge...just waiting to be made into something. And by now...I'm sure there are more in the garden as well. Thanks for sharing your recipe!
What a simply charming way to use zucchini :)
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