Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Peaceful Resting Place

There is a river that begins at the heart of God;
It flows to quiet meadowlands and to where the road is hard.
The river moves through mountains to reach the heart of man
And nourishes it with kindness as only His mercy can.
The river is refreshing; it washes and renews;
It brings the Spirit's pressence as gently as the dew.
The river is annointing, it's compassion and it's grace;
The river is a healing stream and a peaceful resting place.
author ...Roy Lessin
Taking time today to rest and relax, knowing I need refreshment and grace, to face the week ahead.

Wishing each of you an enjoyable Sunday.


Stacey said...

You too Judy! Have a wonderful day.

Diana Ferguson said...

Just stopping in to say hello. Loved your pretty floral pics.

Shelley said...

Beautiful post today and I love the photo of the river. There is something so peaceful and serene about water...

Anonymous said...

Amen, as we share this reflection together. God's church is a community of people, sharing, praising, and giving thanks. Blessings

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Beautiful... I felt the peace in those photos....

Blessings each day said...

Would love to be meandering along that riverbank!

blessings and hugs,


Happy@Home said...

Beautiful post, Judy. Such lovely and peaceful photos. I hope you were able to enjoy a peaceful day and that your week ahead is a good one.

Tea with Tiffany said...

As I was looking through my journals I saw how many times God bring the words river and water to my mind. This post confirms what he is saying.

What a gift! Thank you.

Judy said...

A most peaceful Sunday post...and a good reminder of what Sunday should be like!

Tracy said...

Thank you for sharing a few moments of peaceful rest. So very important to rest and allow God to renew our portion for the week to come. Have a blessed week!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post & pictures God truly does bless.

Have a blessed day & week,


Anonymous said...

Very beautiful. What a peaceful place to walk. I hope you had a nice weekend.

Lauren said...

what a beautiful retreat spot...

hope your week is going well. :)

LisaShaw said...

O Judy, this is beautiful and while you met it for Sunday it speaks to my heart right now...

Thank you dear friend.


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