A simple white plate from the dollar store, a black stand from the dollar store, and rub-on letters from a stack of rub-on mongrams, in tablet form from the craft store. How very simple and inexpensive. Whatever message you want to create, the letters are there. In this pad there are 320 letters, 8 styles of each of the 26 letters of the alphabet, and embellishments to go with. I washed and dried the plate, cut out the letters that I wanted to use and laid them lightly on the plate. Then I rubbed each letter carefully with provided popsicle stick. I picked out the embellishments I wanted to add and did the same with them. I added the black and white ribbon with a touch of hot glue, a glass votive holder and I now have a display for my foyer table.
Another plate from the dollar store, and a small brass stand from the craft store, and I created this finished plate. The rub-ons I chose to use were from some that I had on hand. I thought the saying was a needed reminder for me, so I will put this in my master bathroom. The hearts were rub-ons, to which I added touches of glitter when I was finished. I added the bow as a finishing touch, although I think I liked it better without, so I might remove it.

This is a white wooden picture frame that I have add on hand for a long time. It was beautiful when it was plain white, but I took it and added this rub-on saying since it was appropriate with the picture of my middle daughter and granddaughter(forgive the glare on the glass). It says" Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feelling warm inside because you're close in heart." I added some touches of pink glitter to the center of each flower. You can see how easily rub-ons can add an extra touch to whatever project you may be working on. At the craft stores there are many Rub-on quote stacks you can purchase, which contain many quotes and sayings which make card creating an easier task. I use rub-ons with glass jars, with boxes, with picture frames, wherever I want lettering that looks more professionally done than my own handwriting. Give them a try and see what you think.
This is a white wooden picture frame that I have add on hand for a long time. It was beautiful when it was plain white, but I took it and added this rub-on saying since it was appropriate with the picture of my middle daughter and granddaughter(forgive the glare on the glass). It says" Love is missing someone whenever you're apart, but somehow feelling warm inside because you're close in heart." I added some touches of pink glitter to the center of each flower. You can see how easily rub-ons can add an extra touch to whatever project you may be working on. At the craft stores there are many Rub-on quote stacks you can purchase, which contain many quotes and sayings which make card creating an easier task. I use rub-ons with glass jars, with boxes, with picture frames, wherever I want lettering that looks more professionally done than my own handwriting. Give them a try and see what you think.
******* And now for a little added bonus to my daily posting******
My new dear blogging friend, Kim (Seasons of My Heart), has kindly involved me in a special "Pay-It-Forward" challenge . I am thrilled to a receiver and can't wait to start creating (and sending!). Kim explained that the first 3 people who left a post would receive something (paying-it-forward) from her...and then we agreed to post this same challenge on our blog. I went ahead and left her a comment. I was the 3rd person to post a comment so now I’ll be receiving a blessing in the mail from her!
Here’s how this works…. the first 3 bloggers to leave a comment on this post will receive a hand-made item from me. Those 3 bloggers promise to post this challenge on their blog (meaning they too will ‘pay-it-forward’, creating a handmade gift for the first 3 bloggers that leave a comment on their blog!!) That's a lot of hand-made love being passed around! ; )Here's the part I got really excited about...the gift can be anything you choose and any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item.
Hi Judy,
What lovely plates! They look like they are straight out of an expensive boutique. I'm ready to run right out to the Dollar Store and A.C. Moore. I have tons of beautiful scrap ribbon already that I have been accumulating just waiting for the perfect place to use it. Are they hand washable after you apply the rub-ons? I like the pay-it-forward ideas as well. I always love visiting your site to see what creative things you've come up with. I'll try and get something new posted soon.
I LOVE...LOVE...LOVE..the idea for the plates!! Seriously!!!
I'm going to have to make some of these!!
Praying you are having a GREAT day.
It's 22 below zero here...the temp that is...the wind chill is even colder. brrhhhh :-)
I hesitated to comment because I wanted to give someone else a chance to be one of your first three commenters (I just posted the pay-it-forward challenge, too!) but I have to tell you...those plates are DARLING! One of my favorite of all your hand-made creations! = )
I loved seeing the photos of the Magnolia Bakery and those precious cupcakes. Great success story. By the way, I could SO see you with a bake shop or boutique of your own!
Adorable plates. I wish I had seen the black and white plate back at Christmas. What great gifts!
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