"A passenger on a long train trip was so enthralled by the journey that every few moments he was heard to say, "Wonderful!". The passing scenery, the faces of the fellow passengers, even the smallest details elicited from him glad expressions of keen enjoyment. Finally one traveler, overcome by curiosity, asked him, "How is it that while the rest of us are worn out with this monotonous trip, you are having the time of your life and you keep saying, "Wonderful!" He answered, "Until a few days ago, I was a blind man. A great doctor has just given me my sight, and what is ordinary to the rest of you is 'out of this world' to me. -----The Best of Vance Havner
I am reminded by this short story, of how often I am so caught up with the details of life, and the circumstances around me, that I fail to see the beauty that exists. I took this picture, two weeks ago while driving early one morning, near my home. Once again, I almost missed the beauty above me because I was so busy with thoughts and concerns within me. What a good reminder, to take time to see God's amazing gifts of creation lovingly and carefully placed in my daily pathway, and may I never loose the 'wonder' of it all.
Beautifully said my friend and a beautiful photo.
Hi Judy! Thanks for visiting again and for your flattering and encouraging comments. They are very much appreciated. I am a sky person and am always in awe at God's handiwork. My friends send me sky pictures all the time and some go to great lengths to capture them for me. Once a friend was taking a picture at sunset from the top of a hill in a cemetery near her home and got locked in. She was able to contact the caretaker and didn't have to spend the night. Hope you have a good day! ~Elizabeth
Amen to that! It's one of the greatest gifts God has given to me through my husband...I'm a "get-it-done-check-it-off-the-list" kind of person and he's a "slow-down-and-stop-and-smell-the-roses" kind of person. God has used him to teach so much about slowing down and savoring the blessings that are part of every day. Love your photo...truly beautiful!
P.S. I looked on your profile for your e-mail address and didn't see it...am I just missing it? If you wouldn't mind, could you e-mail me at "tracyklensch@fuse.net" and I can reply with my snail mail address. Thanks Judy! I'm so excited! = )
Yippee!!! I'm soooo excited about the pay it forward. I, like Tracy didn't see an email address on your profile. Would you also email it to me at leffieton@yahoo.com? Thank you!!!
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