Five generations. How blessed we were to have you with us for so many years. "At dusk, a little girl entered a cemetery. An old man who sat at the gate said to her, "Aren't you afraid to go through the cemetery in the dark?" "Oh no,", she replied, "my home is just on the other side." --Henry Dwibanville
I'm sorry for your loss. It's such a bittersweet thing when we lose someone so good who has lived a long life. We lost my husband's grandmother last year and she was 92. Sounds like she was alot like your grandma.
I'm sure you will treasure the pictures of the generations.
Judy, I pray the comfort of the Lord for you and your family as you continue to remember the precious things about Grandma!
My Grandpa went to the Lord 10/31/07 and Grandma 4/19/90. I miss them both more than words can say. They were like parents to me.
Bless you my friend.
Words cannot heal the pain of losing someone so dear, may God give you the strength to overcome the pain. My prayers and wishes are always with you.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Judy. So hard to lose those we love, especially those as precious as your Grandma. What a beautiful legacy. Praying for strength and comfort for you and your precious family. May you be comforted to know she is rejoicing today in Heaven.
Blessings, sweet one.
Sorry for your loss. Does not matter how long we had them it is always hard to lose those we love.
What a blessing to have still had your grandma and for your children to have known her. Must say I am envious of that.
Looks like she has left a wonderful legacy.
I'm sorry for your loss Judy. What a wonderful testimony to her life that she was loved so very much.
May God bless your family.
I am sorry to hear about your loss. Your pictures are wonderful and she sounds like a very special lady.
Judy, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very difficult time.
Dear Judy-We will definately keep you & your family in our prayers! Aren't you thankful for precious memories of your Grandmother...I think of my Grandma often & the many things that she taught me!!! And I can't wait to see her again!!!
I also love the picture of your family! What a special treasure!
Yes, your grandma was such a sweet, kind lady here on earth, can you just imagine the glory of heaven...her with Jesus, blessing His name for all of time.
My sympathy to all of you, love, jul
What a treasured lady with a big impact on her family. Thinking of you as you miss her, and ponder all she has left in your hearts for generations to come.
Love and prayers for all, Dale
I have many fond childhood memories of Dan & Ethel from Stumptown church. I remember her as always being cheerful. Keeping you close in prayer.
Hi Judy, So sorry for your lose/ She was a very special lady...We are thinking of this week. vickie
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