A few years ago, we sat at the dinner table of our dear friends, and were served salads with homemade dressing. Needless to say, we were hooked. Our friend kindly shared her delicious, simple recipe with us. I now have the recipe memorized. Here are the ingredients that I put into my mini food processor, although a blender will also work; 1/2 small onion, 3/4 cup sugar, 1/3 cup ketchup, 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar, 3 tsp. worcestershire sauce, 1/2 tsp. salt. Blend thoroughly.

Pour into a quart jar and add 1 cup of canola, or vegtable oil. Shake unto thoroughly blended.

Can be served in a container of your choice. This dressing keeps well in the refrigerator, although we eat many salads, so it does not last long around here. This is a fun gift to make for friends, especially when given in a decorative bottle. Just in case you want to know, our favorite dinner salad is; baby greens, baby spinach, grilled chicken tenders, shredded cheese, feta cheese, sliced hard boiled egg, chopped tomatoes, honey roasted sliced almonds, craisins or raisins, and this dressing lightly mixed in.
Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment. It is so much fun to meet all these new friends out here in blog land! I've briefly looked through your blog tonight and I must say that your recipes look delicious. I will definitely be back to visit. It was nice to meet you!
This sounds so good and what a lovely bottle you have to display and serve it from!
I really enjoyed visiting your blog today! I also want to thank you for your kind words left at the cabin--so very nice meet you!
Claudia O.
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