When I arrived at her home this morning, here is what I found. A beautiful on the outside, frustrated on the inside young mother with two crying children. Thankfully, the youngest one was sleeping. It had been a long, sleepless night for her(check her blog for more info and a good laugh...thecoffeecottage.blogspot.com/)

I came to the rescue,with my energetic offer, to the two on her lap. I offered quite flippantly to put them both in the big red wagon and go for a long, fun walk. What was I thinking???? I forgot about all of the hills and valleys in the big neighborhood where they lived. But off we went with their excitement spurring me on. At least till we got to the third block of our journey. I stopped to take pictures of them and to catch my breath. I am sure the neighbor man out walking his dog wondered, why the lady pulling the wagon was looking like she had run a 25 mile marathon, when she had only been walking for 45 minutes. Truly, we did have so much fun, although next time we might take the double stroller instead. I left their home feeling like I just might have been the break they all needed.

I arrived home only to find something sitting on my stove top that I had never, ever seen before...three amazingly delicious, warm from the oven pies that my youngest daughter had made and brought home from "pastry chef "school. First of all, I never remember having three homemade pies in my kitchen at one time, but especially three that my, rarely-wanting-to-be-in-the-kitchen daughter, would have made. I was truly impressed! And, on this Tuesday another one of my mothering roles kicked in...I had to taste them. First rescuer...then taster...who knows what is next. I am sure all of you out there reading this find yourself wearing so many different hats in your journey of life. Some we like, and some we would rather skip over. I was willing to step in and help to encourage and praise her for the skill she had undertaken at school, how very heroic of me.

Fortunately, there was still some hot coffee in the carafe on the counter. What an unusual privilege for me to have such a delectable afternoon snack. I am still smiling...for two reasons, one that it tasted so good to me, and two that I had walked all that distance this morning pulling two little sweethearts in a big wagon up many hills. Oh, and one more role that I want to mention. My role of praying for my middle daughter as she begins a new job today, as a labor and delivery nurse many states away. I count it an honor to fulfill the roles given to me, on this last Tuesday of September.
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