This bouquet graced the front table in our church today. I was enthralled with it's beauty. The dear friend who grew the brilliant, red dahlias, was sitting directly in front of me. I am always impressed with her floral arranging talent, and I am sure she must tire of me telling her. Today was one of those times. She said that they were called "dinner plate dahlias" because of their size. She surprised me by telling me I could take the bouquet home with me this Sunday. I was thrilled! Three or four friends tried to take it from me as I was leaving church. How much fun to have these flowers to brighten up my kitchen counter. Thanks, Jo!

The name of this flower is perfect...it would cover up a dinner plate with it's size. What a gorgeous shade of red!

Another one of the fun events of my day, was when I was reading through my "Coming Home" with Gooseberry Patch cookbook and I came to the section about the county fairs, candy apples, blue ribbons, bonfires, and mulled apple cider. I love the Fall season! I look forward to this time of year with it's brisk evenings and it's shorter, cooler days. I found some recipes that I want to try like the "Italian Sausages with peppers and onions". I happen to be related to someone who excels in making this sandwich. Oh, the memories........

Finally, I stepped outside my front door this evening, to water the two big planters on my porch, and I was awestruck by the beauty of the site before me. What a perfect way to end my day. As my dad used to say, "red at night, sailor's delight". Hope you enjoy the feeble attempt I made with my camera to capture the majesty of this sunset. Last night I captured a rainbow and tonight, a sunset. Blessing upon blessing...how thankful I am!
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