I have many of them and I treasure each one. Recipes that she wrote out by hand, at my request. My mother was, and continues to be, a very good cook. For many years, her daily life was spent in the kitchen, preparing food for her big family, her extended family or her dear friends. She loved reading cookbooks, preparing food, serving food and giving food. She did not use the numerous shortcuts that I have created for me and my family. Thinking back over the years, I often wonder how she found time to do all that she did, and without a complaining spirit. What a lady!! Carrot cake continues to be one of her favorite desserts, and this one had mandarin oranges in it, which she claimed gave it more moisture and flavor. I agree.

I use my small bundt pan that makes eight cakes. I think they are the perfect size to give as gifts. I set them on a small saucer, sprinkle with powdered sugar or drizzle with cream cheese icing. This recipe freezes well.

I like this small, elegant glass pedestal and dome that I found at a local "grocery- home- garden " store. One of the small bundt cakes fits it perfectly. A rose from my garden, with the stem wrapped in plastic wrap, almost completes the look.
Add the dome, and a homemade "happy birthday" tag and it is ready to give. Actually, just baking the cake and eating the cake is really all the matters. For me, the memories of my mother baking this cake always brings joy to my heart. Thank you mom, for ALL that you taught me in the kitchen and out.
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