Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Nuggets of "Hope," from "The Silver Book of Hope", produced by Publications International, LTD

HOPE..."When darkness  casts shadows upon us
                and the answers are nowhere in sight,
                hope lifts us up on a wing and a prayer
                and carries us back to the light."

"O Hope; dazzling, radiant Hope!
What a change thou bringest to the hopeless,
brightening the darkened paths,
and cheering the lonely way."
~Aimee Semple McPherson

"There is no priceless jewel
  or precious gem
  that can outshine hope."

"Hope is the lone flower
  blooming in the times of life's dessert."

"Hope blooms like a beautiful rose
 amidst the thorns of life."

"Hope is knowing
that no matter how bad
"all this" seems,
God is still good."

"Hope opens our hearts
 And lessens our woes,
 It fights against strife
 And vanquishes foes.
 It can be as small as a smile
 Or long as a day.
 It's a gift that grows larger,
 When you give it away."

"Do not look back
 and agonize over roads not taken,
 dreams not pursued.
 Instead, look ahead to the future,
 to new roads yet to discover
 and new dreams to fulfill."

"For surely I know the plans that I have for you,
 says the Lord,
 plans for your welfare and not for harm,
 to give you a future with hope."
 ~Jeremiah 29:11

The daily news reports...
 A phone call or an unexpected text message...

 Whatever, and however they happen, they can instantly steal our joy and our hope.

 Today, I appreciated these powerful nuggets of "hope",  and thought you may, too.


Ray Toms said...

Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos and perfect verses, they certainly encouraged me today

Judy said...

I definitely appreciate your nuggets of hope! Thank-you.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a beautiful posting about hope. And such lovely photos to go along with the 'hope-filled' thoughts.

Enjoyed my visit...


Betty said...

Enjoyed your posting today. You have some great quotes and beautiful photos.

I have a blog called "Hopefully Minded" so it really matches my theme.

debi said...

Jesus the blessed hope!
The photos were beautiful Judy...


Kathleen said...

What perfect photo accents to accompany such beautiful prose.


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