Thursday, August 12, 2010

"The simple stuff of summer time"...that is what this post has to offer today.

I don't know about you, but there are just days when a smile is needed in my day. Oh, the blessing and spirit lifting that a simple smile can bring.

"A smile is worth a million dollars but it doesn't cost a thing."

How about you? Do you need a smile today?

Does life feel heavy at times?

Children sure can be spirit lifters at times:)

Will this help?

Poor quality picture, but the smiles are real.

"Nothing on earth can smile but man. Gems may flash reflected light, but what is a diamond flash compared with an eye-flash and a mind-flash? A smile is a light in the window of the face by which the heart signifies it is at home and-waiting." ~Henry Ward Beecher

In light of the heaviness of daily life at times, here are a few smiles just for you.


Judy said...

Love those smiles...all of them. We are God's only 'creatures' that special. Smiles are contagious...and that's a good thing.

Rach said...

Thanks for the smiles!!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Smiles will do it every time!

Beautiful photos... beautiful faces... beautiful smiles!

Kim@Seasons of My Heart said...

Oh...I LOVE...LOVE..LOVE..all of those sweet...sweet...sweet smiles!!!

Praying your day is BLESSED beyond measure.

Happy@Home said...

Thanks for the smiles this morning, Judy. If those cute little faces don't succeed in bringing a smile, I don't know what will.

lindsey said...

Great photo's Judy..they did bring a smile to my face. Your grandchildren are beautiful...I am off to see our twinnies on Saturday, havent seen them for 2 months and I cant wait!

Anonymous said...

Lovely post! You put a smile on my face today. Thank you. Smiles are a very good thing :>)

Miss Debbie said...

Thanks for the smiles... I never tire of them!

Connie said...

Yes...smiles lift my spirits always and make my day so much better. So thank you for all those precious smiles. Love the photo of you with the twins...they are getting so big and soooo cute!!

Your smile is great too! Connie

Anonymous said...

Your grandchildren are gorgeous and there is nothing like the smile of a child to lift a heavy heart.

Melinda said...

Smiles are one of the best things on this earth!


corners of my life said...

What a cheerful post. Thanks for all the smiles ~ they were contagious!

LisaShaw said...

What BEAUTIFUL smiling faces!!!

That first photo...your grandbaby brought a HUGE smile to my face!!! Oh my goodness she is having a BLAST!!!

Love and blessings to you and your amazingly beautiful family!

debi said...

I needed that one today! Thanks my friend :-)

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Your grandchildren are all so beautiful and growing bigger all the time. You are so lucky to be able to spend so much time wit them Judy. Those are all precious smiles!


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