"I can remember vividly the sun passing through the emerald green cathedral of a weeping willow and illuminating the sandy bottom of the riverbed with the fire of a thousand minute diamonds." ~Madeleine Kamman
As I was driving close to my home last week, I chose not to go the main route and instead to use the quiet country road route. As I came around a bend in the road passing by the creek, I came to this clearing in the woods. I stopped and watched this young farm boy working with his horses and equipment.

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that in our world of modern, cutting edge technology and electronics, that methods of farming like his continue to be used. Aside from the sound of the piece of equipment and the work horses, all was quiet in the wooded alcove where he worked on this Wednesday morning.

He waved a friendly "hi" and I drove on. Yes, there are times when I long for simpler days. Maybe I could get a job on the farm:)
Sometimes I find it hard to believe that in our world of modern, cutting edge technology and electronics, that methods of farming like his continue to be used. Aside from the sound of the piece of equipment and the work horses, all was quiet in the wooded alcove where he worked on this Wednesday morning.
He waved a friendly "hi" and I drove on. Yes, there are times when I long for simpler days. Maybe I could get a job on the farm:)
It is a gorgeous clear, somewhat cooler summer day here in my part of the world and I am thankful for it.
I love your picture. It looks like it is from another time. I too wish for a simpler time sometimes.
I'm smiling at this post. A simpler and peaceful way of farming. Just be careful which farm you apply for a job at...since I know it's not that laid back on most farms!
I love those weeping willows!
Oh, for the simpler times. It would be nice if we could all sloe down a little.
Sometimes I think the Amish have it all right, and I have it all wrong. Sometimes ...
I'm with you, though. Life has been so amped up and altered that many - if not most - of us wonder if Norman Rockwell's domain ever existed. It did, as you and I know full well.
I need to take a drive along a country road and stop awhile. Whatever I witness, I can guarantee it'll be a respite.
Thanks for taking us along ...
P.S. Don't know if ever I've shared this, but my ancestors came through Ellis Island from Ireland & England, and MANY of them settled in PA before migrating to the Pac NW.
I remember seeing this scene when I was back in Pennsylvania and loved it. Yes, I too long for simpler days and times. Thanks for the simple moment and a refresher as I start my day!
I enjoyed this Judy! Great photos!
I find myself at times thinking about and missing a lot of the good old days with my Grandparents...
Grandma's home made biscuits which she prepared while singing to the Lord.
Helping Grandpa in the yard or with painting their picket fence.
I miss the Sunday aromas of good food being prepared early morning for us to eat after church.
I miss a cool glass of Grandma's Iced Tea while sitting on the porch with her watching Grandpa plant her Tulips.
Yes, simpler times...
Love you!
I love to drive the back roads too. Yes, I do wish for a simpler time. I wish I lived in a small town or on a farm in a different era :>)
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