I was in my senior year of high school and she was one of those beautiful, fun, spirited and vivacious people that I looked up to and admired. I would rarely miss one of her shows and found myself trying to copy her style, hair and makeup. I recently discovered this January 1971 copy of "Good Housekeeping Magazine" in my box of possessions in the attic. I know my mother lovingly saved this copy for me, because she knew it was a special year and she was well aware that this lady would always bring back fond memories for me. She was right. I was delighted to find this issue featuring her, in one of my favorite magazines.
Price per copy...60 cents.
Late last evening I read back through this treasure I discovered. What kind of beauty tips did they give back then? Here are a few that made me smile;
~Use your wig to give your locks a beauty break. In the morning, dry set hair with pin curls and cover with your wig-no one will guess you're setting your hair.
This just made me smile. There was a time back then when everyone of my friends had wigs. We would put them on for change of looks, long hair to short hair...whatever the mood:) I forgot all about that wig period of my life. Now, let me tell you, I am not in anyway making fun of wigs. I know people well, who have been saved by wigs due to cancer or hair loss, and they are so thankful for them. But, our wigs back then, were synthetic, quite inexpensive and just for fun. Can any of you remember this, or was it just us?
~The new tinted lip glosses give sheer, natural-looking color to your lips.(so that is when lip gloss came on the scene).
There were more tips, but I've shared enough.
Here is Mary Tyler Moore pictured in the inside article of this magazine.
"Her own show successfully launched, the satellite TV wife of Dick Van Kyke poses with her real-life husband, Grant Tinker."
Something new was created and I remember women being excited about it...Curity was now selling prefolded diapers. I remember this was a huge step from having to fold your own diapers. Believe me, being the oldest of five children, I definitely folded my share of diapers and they weren't prefolded. It was a huge step for Curity diaper company.
From what I hear, cloth diapers are making a big comeback today. My one daughter works in a big, city hospital and she told me it is becoming more popular due to the "green" thought practices of the people in our country.
Records...do you remember them? Can you believe that by joining this record club, you could get 12 records for $ 2.86? I begged to join this club, I remember it well. I was told there were more important things to spend money on. I am sure many of you did though, and that is why you can find so many records at flea markets and garage sales today..

Oh the fun memories of wearing the peasant styles of the day. These styles got their inspiration from the folk customs of many lands. Did I really wear outfits like this? Oh, yes I did. I still have the pictures to prove it.

Our high school highly recommended that each family get a set of encyclopedias. I clearly remember the night my parents met with the man who sold them "World Book" encyclopedias. I remember felling so important now that our family had our own set. They were carefully stored in the wooden bookshelves at the top of the stairs, and there we all went for the info needed to complete our homework. I also remember how important it was to my parents, that we took special care of their newly purchased investment.
Today, with a press of the computer key, all the info we could possibly need is at our fingertips, and the encyclopedias are a thing of the past(not for everyone, but for most.)

Flashback in time...my first transistor radio. I knew I had finally arrived when I was given one of these compact radios with strap included. You know what...by now I am feeling ancient.

My mother has been receiving copies of the "Good Housekeeping Magazine" for many years. She reads her copy, then shares it with me and others in her family. Last week she brought the newest copy up to me and little did I realize, that the magazine is celebrating it's 125th year.
Because of this anniversary year, every month they will share their favorite vintage covers. Here is the Sept. 1914 cover, which sold for 15 cents a copy.

It is quite an accomplishment for this popular magazine to have survived through 125 years, and it is still going strong, strong enough to have 25 million readers a month.

I appreciate their delicious looking recipes each month. This one looked especially appealing to me, since I enjoy corn and bacon soup.

I am also impressed and will clip and save the article with the "50 best low-calorie snacks" in it. I do crave snacks sometimes, and reading over this article, I see they shared some real good suggestions.
Of course, this article in the latest edition, would be one that would almost apply to me. I will be interested in seeing what they have to say to the empty nesters like us.

Yes, 42 years ago I was the one wanting to wear the white go-go boots and I remember clearly living in what was called a mod, mod world. I am not hired by the Good Housekeeping staff, nor was I promoting any of the above mentioned products, but I am thankful for all the issues of this magazine I was privileged to read over the years. I learned many things from my reading. I want to commend them for pressing on for 125 years, and I hope to keep on receiving new issues from my dear mother.
Oh, and one more thing...thanks Mary Tyler Moore for all inspiration and humor you brought into my life.
Wow, what a treasure you found.
Like you, I remember those days because, well... the 70's,and in High School! The good old days.
Thank you for taking us down memory lane...ah, the 70's.
This is a fun post Judy. :) I always wanted to be MTM too.
I remember those record clubs, the
transistor radios, encyclopedias and on and on.
How many households have a set of those now? I also remember the card catalog too... back to the internet.
Way too fun!
That was a most enjoyable walk down memory lane, Judy. And one I can relate to as I was also in high school in the 70s. It does seem funny now to think about what a treasure a set of encyclopedias once was. We had a set in a special wooden bookcase just like you described. Now I am constantly seeing them at the thrift shops.
How nice of your mom to save that special issue of GH for you. I loved Mary Tyler Moore too.
I have a subscription to GH and have tried a few of their low calorie snack ideas.
A fun post today.
I loved The Dick Van Dyke Show! And I love looking at old ads and magazines. Thanks for sharing some neat this from "yester-year"! Thanks for the info about the punch cups. I visited Bellamere Cottage. She has some great ideas. I'll be sure and use water so I won't mess up my grandmother's cups!
Just loved watching MTM on Saturday nights along with Bob Newhart and what I remember was that I wanted to get my hair done before those shows started. Thanks for prompting a great memory.
Oh my goodness..... I remember this issue like it was yesterday. Thank you for sharing.
Judy, how precious! Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos with us. I always enjoy reading your blog! THANK YOU so VERY much!
Thank you for your kind words on my blog, too. Your prayers are SO appreciated and I just thank God for you and your dear family!
Love, Wanda
What a fun post! I actually had one of those transistor radios myself! It was turquoise blue with the black strap! Thanks for the memories.
I loved your reminiscences about Good Housekeeping Judy as many sound like what I'd be thinking about if I saw that magazine. I was completing high school that year!
My daughter-in-law used cloth diapers for my grandson when he was an infant. They were already folded into thick pads and fit into a cloth pants liner. Very economical in the long run.
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