Friday, August 6, 2010

"Often the prickly thorn produces tender roses." ~Ovid
A little "flower power" for your weekend. I've just been so blessed by their beauty this summer.

Vibrant colored petunias from my mother's flower garden.

Does anyone know the name of this delicate white flower?

Flowers from the roadside gardens and arranged by my friends.

The red geraniums graced the old stone wall at my brother-in-law's farm.

Last two pictures exquisitely captured by my uncle's camera. Wow!

"Little by little, day by day, friends and flowers grow that way."

Blessings this weekend, to each of you!


Rach said...

Lovely and cheerful!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Beautiful photos... loved that bouquet with the blues in it. And the stone wall scene. Makes a person want to be there!

Happy Weekend.....

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I so enjoyed your posting. The photos are gorgeous. Especially loved the bouquet with the blue flowers in it. And the photo with the stone wall.... makes you want to be there!

Happy Weekend.....

lindsey said...

Beautiful flower photo's, thanks for sharing have a great weekend!

Happy@Home said...

Thanks for that lovely dose of flower power for the weekend. All of the pictures are gorgeous, but I was particularly drawn to the big bouquet with blues and pinks.
You always seem to find the perfect quotes to go along with your pictures.
Have a great weekend.

Stacey said...

Judy, your flower pictures are lovely. It's so hot here now that most things have stopped blooming. We are still happy though because we've had plenty of rain this summer. It's still green and pretty.

Melinda said...

Very fun.

Come back latee to see today's blog. I am posting later about something I made that I saw on your blog. Same concept different

Hope to see you later.


Beth at Aunties said...

Beautiful! The pictures are so pretty. We were in Elizabeth Town a few months back and I have not been able to post about it yet. Our dear friends daughter live there.
Enjoy a lovely weekend!

BARBIE said...


Miss Debbie said...

Beautiful pictures!

Kathleen said...

Flowers speak so eloquently of God's profuse love for us. And what it is about bouquets that so captivate us? I think it's like people: a beautiful array of different types & hues.

Love your eye, sister!



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