A family left to deal with the roller coaster of grief and emotions that no one can understand. Four young children and a husband had to say good bye to their mother and his wife, a few weeks ago. I was left searching for ways to say "I'm sorry" to this family that had personally meant so much to me. Since I was going to be in their hometown today, I filled my empty mandarin orange can with flowers from my garden. I hot glued wide ribbon around the can, poked two small holes on the top of each side, tied a bow tightly on one side, left extra ribbon and tied a bow on the other side. This way I could hang it on their front door. Hopefully, they will know how my heart is hurting for them, even though I feel like a huge bouquet of 2 dozen long stemmed roses would not even be able to adequately do that.

It is their 25th anniversary. What a milestone, especially in today's world. A card would express my congratulations, but I want it to be a bit more visual. A bottle of sparkling cider, and a decorated "do not disturb" sign hung on the bottle. I purchased a pack of white, blank "do not disturb" signs at the Walmart craft department. The picture I glued on the front of it, was from a past "Victoria" magazine. A ribbon and a piece of ivy finished the gift. On the back of the blank card I printed "Do Not Disturb" in black marker. I smiled as I thought of dropping off this gift.

A beautiful , square crystal plate that I had purchased at a flea market last summer for $ 2.00 and chocolate chip cookies from my freezer...perfect way to say "Happy Birthday" to my newly met friend. Since returning plates, pans and containers happen to be one of my pet peeves, I was thrilled when I discovered this written saying in a book. I typed it and ran off copies which I include on the gifts that I give. Flea markets, clearance shelves have produced many exquisite looking plates, for this purpose. Plastic plates from the grocery store would be fine also.

It seems to me, that many people that I know, are going through a time of life right now, where it feels like they have been dealt a basket of lemons. That is why I have used my lemon stamp in this way. God gives us the supernatural ability at times,to make lemonade with the lemons that we have been given. In the past, I have purchased crystal pitchers from the same source as my plates, filled them with lemons and tied a ribbon and this stamped saying onto the glass handle. I like giving this gift because I really enjoy iced cold lemonade, and it helps to remind me how very important it is, to take the difficult situations that we find ourselves in so often, and make the best of them. That ability, is a gift from God to us. The gifts that I have described above are only a few ways that I use to somehow reach out to those around me. I need to be reminded in the midst of my busy life, to take time to say " I care ". How thankful I am for the times that others took,to express that to me. Judy
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