Saturday, September 24, 2011

Two little pairs of canvas shoes sit on the floor...

Two tiny baseball caps are removed, once they walk inside the door...

Off again and on again...... the caps seem to be.
"On" if they play farmer, with the tractors and the wagons,
of which we are thankful to have two...

sometimes worn to the front and sometimes to the back...

"Off" again when they venture into the toy box.  It seems to be the place they choose to play the most often, when they visit here. 
I am continuing to learn so much from these two little guys and their interesting set of ways. 
They definitely play well together, unless of course, there is only one black motorcycle and two who want it.
I can't believe they will be two years old next month.

I wonder how they will interact someday in the future, with their little girl cousin, who is only a year behind them?

This weekend is the first birthday for this sweet, little girl.  We are not able to be with her, but know her other grandpa and grandma will provide her with a special celebration.
However, a few weeks ago, we celebrated her "early" birthday.  So hesitantly and cautiously she opened her birthday gift.

We were thrilled to present her with her first baby doll.  She carried it everywhere after receiving it. 

"Happy Birthday" dear little one!
We are sure she will love having two older boy cousins to help take care of her and teach her many fun things.  I never had any older guy cousins, but I often wished I did.

"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong.  Because someday in life you will have been all of these."

~George Washington Carver

Joy and blessings in your weekend ventures!


Debbie said...

Our grandchildren will grow up far away, I didn't ever imagine that. You are so blessed to have so many so close!

Jeane` said...

SO SO SO cute!!! While I am quite partial to all the little masculine and feminine respresenations of humanity on this post, I have to say they are some of the cutest little things EVER! Happy birthday to the little girl I love as much as my own!! We ALL love you CeCe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patty Marker said...

Your post made me smile...It is so true with the caps. My three year old grandson wears his baseball cap outside and his cowboy hat inside, never mixing the two up. Makes you wonder what goes on in that marvelous brain of theirs!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

THAT was so cute! Two of everything... and such cutie-pies!

They must be a real joy to all who get the great honor of knowing them!

corners of my life said...

I love when you post about your grandchildren. They are all so precious.

Marty said...

Love getting a window into the lives of your littles. What precious grands you have.

lindsey said...

Oh my goodness is it really two years??? They are so beautiful and seeing how they do everything together and copy each other is so like our twins (also the fighting when they both want the same thing!)
Lovely too that their little cousin is just a year behind them, it will be great to watch them grow and relate to each other.

debi said...

Those little guys have changed so much and I can't believe that little sweetie is one already....really!!!

Love the photos :-)


Christine said...

I'm going to "borrow" that quote. it good!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Sweet birthday girl with sweet little cousins all together. Happy moments for sure!

Judy said...

Some of the cutest little things right! How well I recall when those two little guys joined your family...and now they are turning two.

Happy birthday to your precious little birthday girl!

Kathleen said...


I love those little shoes. I just bought our baby Kole a pair of hiking boots (don't all 15 month old babies hike?). I just sit and look at them and laugh.

And that baby! I'm thinking that baby doll will be here friend for many, many years to come.


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