Sunday, September 18, 2011

 "Welcome Home"...words that are so good to see when one walks through the door, after being away for a few days, as we were.  We spent some wonderful days with my mother and siblings, relaxing, sharing, laughing and just enjoying our rare time together.  As good as it is to be away, it is always good to "come home". 

Tonight, I sat down to my computer for the first time in four days.  As I read my emails and blog comments, I was reminded again, of the joys and blessings that family and friends hold in my life.  One of the emails I opened was from my daughter.   She sent these fun, random pictures that she recently captured with her camera.

She knows that I am a huge fan of coffee, and sent me this picture from a recent visit they had to a local coffee shop.  How is this for a picture of temptation?

Since they live so far away, and she knows how much I enjoy pictures, she also sent this picture.  Made me miss them so much!   You know what I mean if your children live far away from you, right?

I opened another email and received these pictures, from our second daughter and son-in-law, that live not quite as far away.  This is the scene she discovered, as she turned from cooking her dinner on the stove.    A little one excited to find an oatmeal box in the pantry shelf.

Once again, it made me miss them too.  Thank you God for pictures, so that I at least feel like I can connect with them, despite the distance.

Fortunately, I live close enough to these little ones, that coming home provides the opportunity to see them, and their brothers again real soon. 

Coming home also provides me the privilege of seeing the many signs that are everywhere now, of one of my favorite seasons of the year.  The leaves are starting to change and the weather is getting cooler. 
Yes, it is good to be back home!  I miss you all and sure do look forward (when time permits), to visit your blogs and see what is happening in your lives.
I wish you a special week ahead!


Stacey said...

Coming home is a wonderful feeling. It's an extra bonus that you had the sweet pictures when you got there. :)

Rach said...

Oh, how sweet of your daughter. What fun pics.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Coming home is always wonderful....I love catching up, reading the mail and am always glad to sleep in my own bed

Have a good week

lindsey said...

Welcome home and I am glad you had a good break. Lovely photos of your family, the young couple look so happy and yes the box of oatmeal would be quite enticing!
I get to see my grandchildren this Wednesday on their return from USA...cant wait!

Debbie said...

Welcome Home! :D It is always good to come home. I know exactly how it feels to have children far away. Last night my hub had his first video call from my youngest daughter in Japan. They talked for over 2 hours. I could tell it was very emotional for him. I'm so thankful for photos and other technology that make people we love seem not so far away.

Judy said...

I'm smiling with you. No use crying over spilled oatmeal...just take pictures! Sweet pic's...all of them.

Happy@Home said...

Welcome home, Judy. So nice that you were able to get away and relax with family.
I can't think of a warmer and cuter welcome than the sweet pictures from your daughters. The oatmeal one made me laugh. She looks so innocent.
Wishing you a wonderful week.

LisaShaw said...

Precious Judy, welcome home! Sounds like you had a wonderful time with family.

Love every one of the photos!

I have missed you my friend! I'm just not online as much as I used to be. Time doesn't allow for it sadly so I am missing my you!

Visiting some blog friends today so had to get to you :)

Love ya!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Lovely to go away... nice to come home!

Nice photos!


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