What am I taking to the family picnic on this beautiful, warm July 4th? I am taking a simple flower arrangement from my garden.

~Before any of you send comments, I do realize I turned the first flag in the wrong direction...I did correct it on my platter.~
A white ironstone platter filled with one of my favorite snacks. I tied the four glass goblets together with a red and white ribbon. I filled one with white cheddar cheese chunks, one with swiss cheese chunks, one chunks of colby jack cheese, and one with honey mustard. On the platter, I added sourdough pretzels. Long ago, my grandpa introduced me to this delicious snack...

...and yes, since it is the July 4th holiday, I am taking this platter of gummy sharks and Swedish fish.
A white ironstone platter filled with one of my favorite snacks. I tied the four glass goblets together with a red and white ribbon. I filled one with white cheddar cheese chunks, one with swiss cheese chunks, one chunks of colby jack cheese, and one with honey mustard. On the platter, I added sourdough pretzels. Long ago, my grandpa introduced me to this delicious snack...
...and yes, since it is the July 4th holiday, I am taking this platter of gummy sharks and Swedish fish.
I read a quote recently that I thought about today;
"Treat your friends like family and your family like friends."
~author unknown
A special thank you to each and everyone who served and now serves in the military for our country. You are important people and on this day we honor you.
May your July 4th be an enjoyable one!
May your July 4th be an enjoyable one!
Wonderful Judy!
Enjoy this day with your family!
With Love from the Cabin,
Claudia O.
Hi my friend,
I've not been as active on blogs lately. I'm usually scarce in the summer months but I miss you. I love this post!! Beautiful flowers and I LOVE sourdough pretzels!! It's so interesting that you said your Grandfather introduced you to them because my grandparents introduced me to them as a child with mustard on them! MMMM GOOD!
I pray you and your family have enjoyed your 4th of July. I look forward to visiting again soon.
Love you.
Morning Judy,
I hope you had a wonderful holiday with your family yesterday.
Your floral arrangement is just adorable. It looks so patriotic and summery. The snacks look good too.
Well, hello, my creative friend. Every picture is a complete delight. The flower arrangement with the ribbon is soooo precious.
Judy, you have the touch...you truly do.
Barb ♥
Here's hoping you had a wonderful 4th of July celebration with your family!
Sourdough pretzels are new to me...I must check them out.
I'm smiling at your platter of sharks and fish...I'm sure those 'swam' away in no time!
You had me at Swedish fish--although the pretzels look tempting too! :)
Judy you always have such great ideas! I love these. I hope you don't mind that I wrote them down for next year. Happy fourth of July to you and yours ♥
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