It is the Good Ol' Summertime...
The "heat warning" came across the computer screen...
Here is my offer to you for a few ideas to keep you cool...
~some ice cold watermellon and a good friend to share it with.
Some big, old shade trees, and someone fun and cute to swing with...
A yellow swimming pool with a slide and some cool, refreshing water to swim in.
Just my wish for you today, to help you enjoy the good ol' summertime!
Oh what fun and what precious kids!
Our 4th was a downer this year. No babies were here. Oh well.
Have a great week!
Watermelon and swimming. Perfect!
It's all good advice, Judy. And we have sunshine...and heat...at long last!
I'd love to enjoy each and every summer treat, Judy! It was 101 here today..whew!
Does it get any better for a grandma? I don't think so. Babies and watermelon ... in that order!
Hi Judy,
You sure do have some cute and creative ways to keep cool. As soon as I opened your blog page and saw the bowl of popsicles and the girls with their watermelon, I felt cooler already. The temperatures are climbing here once again.
I just read your previous post too. I enjoyed it so much and can imagine what a special day it was for you and your family. A beautiful setting for a day like you described.
Stay cool and go swimming with the kids!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Wonderful photos...I want some of that watermelon right now!
I have a watermelon chilling and a baby pool always close by. ..and the swing under the shade tree ..I'm good to go. We are expecting hot temperatures today.
Hi Judy!
Oh wow, I could use all of the above right now :) How sweet! It's 102 degrees today, and humid too ;) ick! But your post is so refreshing!
Just wanted to let you know , you are on my list :) I've been so busy getting things ready for my parents move back to NY. I'm so excited about it, it's been 24 years of traveling back and forth from down south, so this is such a great transition for all of us. I'm actually on a mini-vaca right now a town away from me, but as soon as I get back tomorrow, it's back to work. And back to your project too!
Hope all is well and good with you, it sure looks nice by the post! send some watermelon and cold water up here, we need it lol.
Take Care and we'll chat within the week!
Hugs, Cyndie xo
Great ideas. It's been really hot here for the last couple of days. I feel like I'm getting cabin fever from being in the house so much LOL
Looks like your summer time is a big hit with the grands. Perfect!
The watermelon looks amazing and how cute are those little boys. Judy your comment on my post came up twice so I tried to delete one of them and they both went!! sorry I didnt mean for that to happen I love your comments :)
I tried to leave a message twice but blogger keeps giving me an error message... (sigh)...
Anyway, I sent my love to you and your family and wish you a great summer with your family!
Love that watermelon and wouldn't mind a piece myself!
Fun - fun!!
Love you my friend!
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