Today as I was driving, I was captivated by the skies overhead. The white billowing clouds created a whipped cream effect in the vibrant blue skies. I thought to myself, " I wish I had my camera". This evening my photographer uncle sent me these pictures. He saw the same sky theatre presentation, only he had his camera. That is better anyway since he and his camera can do wonders together.

I thought you might enjoy seeing these pictures.
Judy what great pictures indeed. I find myself enjoying the sky more while on our road trip. The beauty of our awesome God.
Great pic's! And I like the quote..clouds being God's lace spread across the sky.
Beautiful photo's...I am trying to get into the habit of taking my camera everywhere. Clouds are so interesting to look at especially against a blue sky. Have a great weekend!
Amazing how we appreciate the sky and the clouds as we *mature,* I loved the pictures! Thanks!
Yesterday was cleaning day - inside in the AC and grateful for it. But look what I missed. Thanks for sharing your discoveries. I take my itty bitty camera everywhere in my purse lately and should I leave the house without it I'm always tempted to turn around and go back for it - almost as important as my cell phone. =)
I love big puffy cloud against blue sky pictures and your uncle is very good withh his camera.
God makes amazing lace amongst so many other things. We are blessed with beauty around us.
Those are beautiful clouds and how lucky that your uncle took pictures of them and shared with you. Now we can all enjoy their beauty. Speaking of beauty, your area looks so peaceful and pretty. I would very much enjoy driving along those roads.
Lovely scenery! Very peaceful.
What beautiful pictures--doesn't it always happen that you don't have the camera when there are such beautiful natural scenes.
Have a wonderful Saturday.
Looks like your Uncle knows you very well, sharing beautiful pictures.
Those clouds ARE very interesting.
The scenery is breath taking.
I loved seeing all of the barns. They are rapidly becoming scarce in my neck of the woods (western NY).
I loved seeing all of the barns. They are rapidly becoming scarce in my neck of the woods (western NY).
Ooooo; what magnificent thunderheads! We're getting a build-up over Phoenix, too. This is monsoon season (our favorite), and the clouds promise fantastic lighting, bone chilling thunder, and torrents of rain.
Beautiful pictures!
Such beautiful photos Judy! The clouds look so magnificent. Your uncle is a wonderful photographer!
I also love the quote you used.
Your uncle is a talented photographer! Just loved those billowing clouds....I want to make a wish on one!
Good evening Judy, Your uncle always takes such beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a lovely week.
I admired those same clouds that day! And thanked the Lord under my breath for them. I love white puffy clouds! Wish they came around more often. Beautiful photos!
I love the clouds too and notice them more. I really like the clouds over the farm.
Tell your uncle thank you for sharing his wonderful work.
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