The weather forecast predicts temps over 100 degrees.

Maybe this will help...lots of ice water, with lemon slices if you prefer.
If this is not enough to keep you cool today...

Maybe this will help...lots of ice water, with lemon slices if you prefer.
If this is not enough to keep you cool today...
...certainly this will do the job. My far off memories of February 2010.
I will be taking a short break over the weekend.
Hope you all stay cool and experience some enjoyable moments.
It's very hot and humid here too. I have been drinking a lot of ice water, but I think your snowy picture really helped to cool me off today. Hard to believe that was only a few months ago!
Enjoy your break and keep cool :-)
It's very hot here too. Love that beach picture!
Oh I love that first picture, with the heart. Beautiful! Stay cool!
Enjoy your break. I'm trying to catch up on your blog and I'm so envious of your creativity! AND your little helpers:)
PS. Just LOVE your new blog look. Yes, daughters are indispensable:)
Have a wonderful weekend!
I could use a "snow day." :)
Judy, I read several of your older posts. You always have the BEST ideas and they usually involve blessing someone and I just adore that!
Stay cool!
Hot here too and I too think back to the snowbound garden months. It is so wonderful to now live where there are four season, each can be enjoyed fully knowing that they are so brief.
That heart on the sand was amazing!
I hope you had a pleasant weekend, Judy, and that you are staying cool! I am actually looking forward to winter after all this heat and humidity we've been having.:)
Hi my friend,
I've not been on blogs much as I normally pull back a bit over the summer but I wanted to stop by tell you I was thinking of you.
I pray you are enjoying your break as well. Love that photo!!!!
Love you! Enjoy the LORD, your family and your summer.
What are the odds of capturing THAT picture, much less on a cell phone? Looks to me like a message from the Lord Himself!
Have fun, be blessed, and do be back!!
It's been hot here too. We have been living on ice tea and water. I love the picture with the heart. That is so neat. Now the other one I could do without LOL but I know you love winter too. I hope you have a great weekend.
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