Laughter created by one of my SILs with a computer program he discovered...
the little ones and their aunts were struck with laughter at the antics he shared...
Afternoon nap time with Pawpaw...what could be better!!
With one daughter being in her late month's of pregnancy...with tempetures in the high 90s each day...with thunderstorms and rain each late afternoon and evening...with middle daughter involved in a good friend's wedding activities...this was the best way for us to spend a few days together, this year.

Little brother was thrilled to have his older brother's time and attention. Our time included...
a 2000 piece puzzle on the dining room table...
card games that even the young ones were learning...
Scrabble games on the kitchen table...
Baseball games watched on the television...
Lots of good food and laughter.
Thank you for the privilege of sharing these simple, summer pleasures with you. Wishing each of you an enjoyable summer Saturday.
Sorry, I noticed a spelling error in my first comment and that drives me nuts!
What it said was...
I had the pleasure of meeting your daughter the other night at Jen P.'s house. She is such a funny and wonderful person! We had a blast that night!
Oh your girls favor you so much.....what a delightful time it sounds like y'all had...and what a beautiful family!
How fun! Making so many wonderful memories! Thanks for sharing, Judy! P.S. I was at your youngest sister's home last night...what a joy & delight! Oh, the fun we had! You sisters are amazing! Love you all!
What a beautiful and loving family. The gifts of God are great.
I can tell by the photos that you shared a week of quality time with your family. Now you will all have wonderful memories of your time together. I especially enjoyed the first photo. Your SILs new computer game was obviously a hit.
funny...i woke up praying for your family today. looks like is showering you with a wonderful time together! so glad you are enjoying and making memories.
Sounds like so much fun to me. I just loved it when my kids were little and we played.
It sounds like the perfect way to spend quality time with family! Laughter, games, togetherness and good food (always)...what could be better?
These photos say it all! Looks like a wonderful time for your special family!!! = ) No doubt you savored every moment.
Awww.... It looks like you had a wonderful family weekend. Those kinds of weekends are the best aren't they. Your grandchildren are so adorable. They're smiles are heart catching ♥ Your girls are beautiful!
O Judy, these are the best photos of family love and fun! Look at all those beautiful smiles and good times.
Love it!
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