My neice was telling me that she was going to make a "rainbow birthday cake" for one of her good friends. I never heard of this type of cake and I asked her if she would send me pictures of it when she was finished with it. She sent these beautiful colored photos.

She said she basically made a white cake mix, divided it into however many different colors that she wanted to, and mixed in the food coloring paste. Once they were all mixed, she poured each color in the middle of the pan, flattening the batter each time. She included a link that gives good directions on exactly how to make it, if you are interested. The link is; http://www.playinghouseblog.com/2009/07/rainbow-cake.html

My neice's creativity and sense of adventure has helped her create many delicious and pretty deserts. I am sure her friend was thrilled to receive a homemade gift like this one.
That's a hoot! She has patience I'd say. That's a lot of steps.
Wow! What a clever idea. I've never seen a cake like this. Thanks for sending along the instructions. Might be something fun to try with my nieces. = )
I've seen rainbow cakes before, but hers has the most VIBRANT color I have ever seen! Amazing what color does to make kids (and adults) happy!!! Thanks for sharing!
Wow, I have never seen anything like this. It is great....such a happy cake.
Judy.....not one rooster, huh? Mercy, girl, what are we going to do with you. Ha!
Barb :-)
WOW! Now that's bright and beautiful.
Crazy...but fun!
Maybe make it in your favorite team's colors?
how fun is that?? i think i'll be trying that with my daughter and nieces.
Hi Judy,
That cake looks so fun for kids! I really enjoyed your post about your grandmother and your uncles.
Sweet memories you must have.
Thanks you soo much for all of the sweet words of encouragement you leave for me!
This cake is amazing...I really want to eat it!!!!
Thanks you for your lovely comments on my blog...you are very sweet!
Never heard of this one. Definetely going in my 'Grandma To Do' file. You have such wonderful ideas.
What a fun and pretty birthday cake! amazing!
Wonderful to see young folks into cooking.
Wonderful idea! A fun cake for sure...and I know two little girls that would love this.
That is really cool!
If you get a chance stop by my Blog and see my new post and say hi!
Oh Judy I'm soo excited! I just love this idea. Thank you. I'm thinking it would also be great for a halloween or mad hatter party. This is such a great idea ♥ I have never heard of anything like this before.
Wow....never saw a rainbow cake! Very creative!!!! Cool post!
Hello! Thanks for linking to my rainbow cake! Your niece's version looks wonderful, I love the colors she chose, and I'm so glad she found my post helpful. Great work!!
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