I was given an enlarged copy of this old black and white photo recently. My mother was blessed with seven younger brothers which gave me the distinct honor of growing up with seven fun guys...two of which were right around my same age. My mother and my grandma were pregnant together twice. At this stage of my life I personally cannot imagine how that was for my grandma, or my mother. Her last little girl was very sick, and passed away at age two. My grandparents lived on a farm, which created lots of work for my uncles. I spent many hours on their farm with them, especially when the strawberry season came around. I clearly remember my grandma giving me a nickel for each box of strawberries I would pick. The above picture was taken when I was almost two years old with five of the seven guys. I learned to play basketball at an early age, with these guys.

My grandma had a road side stand filled with her garden produce. One of my uncles and I would take care of the stand which was located along the main street of the town. The farm was back a long dirt lane, off of the main street. With our shoe box filled with change,my uncle and I would sit on an old wooden wagon, waiting for people to stop and buy the strawberries, sugar peas and spring onions that we were selling.

Also, on the farm were many of my grandma's prized flower gardens. She and I would pick bouquets of flowers and put them in whatever container she would find at the time. The above photo reminded me of just how she would put her picked flowers in buckets or old tin pitchers.

You can imagine how much laundry this dear lady had, with such a large family. In the early years I remember she would scrub the clothes on a wash board, in a small building that she would call the "wash house", located directly outside of her front door. After washing the clothes, I often helped her hang each piece out on the washline, with her wooden clothes pins. It was a huge job in my young mind, but I can still remember how good the clothing would smell when we brought it in to fold, at the end of the day. I can also remember what an exciting event it was for her when she got her first wash machine and dryer. This certainly does make me sound "old", doesn't it?

This picture reminded me so clearly of my middle school days. In fact, I think I had a dress that looked just like the plaid one. This picture could easily have been one of my sister and me at that time of our lives. We spent lots of time together each summer, trying to find fun things to pass the time. Except for the first picture on this post, each of the other pictures were from past issues of "Country Living"(British Edition) magazines. I was going through some of them recently, and these particular pictures immediately brought back childhood memories for me. I thought I would give you a brief look back into my growing up world. I love all of my aunts and uncles on my mother's side and on my dad's side. Each of them were instrumental, in one way or the other, in my being who I am now. I feel blessed each time I get to spend time with anyone of them today.
Hi Judy!!
Every day I view your blog, at times reading them all over again later on that same day!
Thank you for all the efforts you put into your blog for it encourages me beyond words!
Lots of love
I loved reading your blog today. I'm not sure how I found it, but I know I will be back! I love all your wonderful pictures and memories. :)
Very nice post, mom!! It was a nice peek into your childhood for those who didn't know! Thanks again for the little bath and bedtime snack stop tonight!! They are all in their little beds sleeping sound.
L0ve you,
I loved hearing about your childhood memories! So nice to have a big family! My uncles and aunts were a great influence on me too! :-)
I love your family history blogs cuz they usually answer some questions for me. I went to church with your younger uncles and my own aunt and uncle purchased your grandparents homeplace and I have a few childhood memories of my own at the farm. And my husband loves playing 'the mennonite game' - figuring out who belongs who. =)
Good evening Judy, I loved reading this post. It brought back so many memories for me. I grew up in a big family too. My grandmother, on my mothers side, had eight children. It was wonderful growing up with so many aunts and uncles. We used to go to my uncles farm two or three times a week. It sounds like you had an amazing childhood. Thanks for sharing memories here with us.
Oh I love big families. I did so love going to my GP farm and all my aunts and uncles and cousins. We had 6 children and have 12 grands. No one has that big a family any more. I loved every minute of it. Blessings
Such a great post, Judy! Thanks for sharing some childhood memories. I can't imagine ever being pregnant with my mother! WHOA!
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