Sunday, December 16, 2012


What does one do when the news of the day is so difficult to bear?
When one's heart overflows with deep saddness as the latest stories unfold.
When being a parent and grandparent yourself, and being closely related to those in your own family who are teachers in school.

We go on.  We spend time helping others, whether it be the older ones who need technical assistance... 

...or the younger ones who could use our advice and supervision.
And, we do it all with more love, care, and attention than we ever did before, because we are made aware, once again, of what treasures they are to us.
What gifts!
What precious people, and how quickly all of that can change, and has changed for
one Connecticut town. 

We are reminded that the lives around us, are so very special.
We pray.  We thank God for those we love, and we pray for those families whose hearts have broken in hundreds of pieces, in the last few days.
Yes, that is what we do right now in our nation, in our family, and in our hearts.

And, we share our gifts with others:)  "Kindness gives birth to kindness".


Nanette said...

Thank you for posting, Judy. I was wanting to just reach out to hold someone's hand and share my sadness. So many tears.

lindsey said...

Thank you for this post. We have all been saddened over here in the UK and yes I agree it is particularly hard when you know of others or have worked in schools just try and imagine the scenario. But we do go doing with what we do and along the way are praying for those in pain.

Judy said...

We pray...and we hold our loved ones a little tighter. Thanks for your words...when words are hard to find.


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