Saturday, August 27, 2011

The weekend of "Hurricane Irene" has been interesting.  The most of what we will experience from this storm, will happen in our overnight hours tonight.  It has been an overcast, wet day for us, and has changed many plans. 
With our plans changed, we visited our daughter and son-in-law's home, ate dinner together, and just enjoyed being together.


We ate pizza...


fresh tomatoes from the garden, mozzerella cheese drizzled with balsamic vinegar...

and a warm peach pie, made by the dear neighbor lady and delivered to us.  It tasted so good!  What a kind gesture on her part.
This afternoon, our daughter discovered some exciting finds at the local Goodwill store.  The dessert plates above, were one of those finds.  Lucky her!

Another find was this battery operated Barney.  He danced, sang, and laughed and he cost $2.00.  The little ones were so entertained, and spent the evening playing with this purple friend.
Who would have thought that $2.00 could bring such joy:) 

How many people who went through this storm, will hold thoughts of a dancing Barney in their 2011 storm memories?

I got to spend time with my little buddies.  They will have no recollection of "Irene" years from now.  Not necessarily on this picture, but they are looking more alike than ever.

Speaking of "Goodwill"...our oldest grandson made quite the find today, with these brown plaid slacks.  He promises to wear them during the first days of his senior year, this week.  Always, a trend setter in his own right:)  I told him that my dad had a pair just like them about 30 some years ago.  We will see if he actually does wear them:)


As we drove home, we found ourselves wondering what it would be like for us in the overnight hours, when the storm will be close to us.  Everyone is stocking up on groceries and water.  Now we watch and wait.   My heart goes out to those who have and will face the brunt of this storm.

As I lit my candles this evening, I heard that over one million people on the East Coast are without electricity tonight and many have experienced far reaching affects.
I am so thankful for everything tonight, especially God's loving care over us, through it all.
It certainly is proving to be an interesting week. 


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

We've praying along with you about Hurricane Irene.

Wishing you a pleasant evening... your day sounds so beautiful and the photos to match were perfect.

Loved the plaid pants!!

Lovella ♥ said...

Thank you for sharing Judy. I came here tonight to see if you had said anything about what it is like where you are. I'm glad you could make some sweet Barney memories. It is nearly midnight there now. ..sleep well my friend.

Marian said...

I'm wondering where you live in the US? How far reaching is this storm, that you will experience it too?

Love Being A Nonny said...

Goodwill clothes seem to be quite trendy for high school and college kids!!! Love the *finds!*

LOVE the picture of the kids laughing at Barney...priceless!

Just a little something from Judy said...

Dear Marian,
I live in PA and all is well this morning, except 30,000 are without electricity and many trees are down. Thanks for stopping by.

Stacey said...

Sounds like a fun way to pass a rainy day Judy. :) Let us know how your night went.

Judy said...

Tomatoes, basil and mozzarello...the best combo. And fresh peach pie served on cute dessert plates. Those are the things you will remember about the day that Irene paid a visit!


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