Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It started out as a brisk,clear, beautiful day.  The cool of the morning was the best reminder of the next season that was ahead.  My husband remarked, that he thinks it is the most perfect day we have had all summer.

The fresh watermelon at breakfast tasted sweeter than ever.

Early in the afternoon, I saw on the computer that there was an earthquake in Colorado and informed my husband, since we have family in that state.  We were investigating the facts about that one, never thinking that we would be the next ones to experience our own earthquake.
And, experience it we did(fortunately on a mild level).
Certainly does give one an unsettled feeling to feel the earth moving under one's feet.  It took me a while to process it all, as I'm sure it did for everyone who experienced it.
But... the evening, the little ones, oblivious to the day's events, were relishing their play time in the neighboring lawns.   As I watched them, so carefreely running and playing, I was reminded of the innocence of youth.  They aren't troubled by the day's happenings, and neither do I want to be.

I read a quote recently that I found to be profound.  "See each morning a world made anew, as if it were the morning of the very first day;...treasure and use it, as if it were the final hour of the very last day."   ~Fay Hartzell Arnold

Great advice for me as I face another new day today.  Hope it is a good one for you!


Happy@Home said...

A wonderful quote with a timely reminder. We truly don't know what each day will hold. I am learning more and more to enjoy each day to the fullest.
I'm so glad to know that you are safe and sound after the earthquake.

Landis said...

What a great quote! Thanks for sharing that. Your blog is always so soothing when I come to visit. Hope you're having a beautiful Wednesday. :)

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Yes, we're enjoying the day... doing more blogging and surfing today... haven't done that for ages.

It's LOVELY to catch up with all my blogging friends!

Wonderful photos........

Pam Traskos said...

Hi Judy, yes, we are truly blessed, we never know do we? Beautiful quote and what a great reminder for all of us. Thank you so much for your sweet visit and kind words! Your comment really touched my heart. VBS was amazing, we had about 150 kids, I did Chadder's movie mania. I am so impressed by the love and spirit I saw in these kids!
Enjoy the remaining days of summer, especially with your darling grands...I am sooo jealous! Hugs to you!

Miss Gracie's House said...

So thankful all is well...and that is a beautiful to ponder for sure...hope your summer has been peachy!

Judy said...

Love that quote! We know not what today may hold...but we know Who holds it. So glad you were safe through the earthquake...and now I pray for you as the hurricane heads in your direction.


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