buy them at our local dollar stores. At the age that some of my grandchildren are, they really enjoy playing with them. As you can see from the next picture one can use them as sticks or create bracelets with them. My grandchildren like when we go into the dark closet and they really get to see them glow. The sticks glow all day and sometimes longer.
The rainbow he created with the glow sticks, and below...
...the one we discovered after the heavy rain storm. With the sun shining brightly, I immediately took them outside to look for a rainbow. There it was in clear, bright colors stretched across the sky. We were all so excited.
I felt like God was giving us, myself and the three little ones I had for the day, a special gift in creating this beautiful rainbow.
"God's Rainbows"
"Rainbows appear after mighty storms,
When things look their very worst.
Just when skies are darkest gray,
Look for the rainbow first.
The rainbow is a sign of God's promise,
That He will guide us through any storm,
That He will see us through all of our troubles,
No matter what their form.
When you feel battered by Life's storms,
And you are filled with doubt and dismay,
Just remember God's rainbow will come,
For it's only a prayer away."
It will be a long time before I forget this wonderful gift, and hopefully the little ones that saw it will always remember the simple rainbow lesson of the day.
Many months ago I talked about my favorite daisies, the Becky daisies that are planted in my back flower beds. Well, I just want to show you that they are still blooming in the month of October. I had to share these two pictures with you.
I saw them as the children and I were standing and watching the rainbow.
Their simple beauty and the breathtaking wonder of the rainbow was the best way to end another day.
Your grandchildren are learning so much from you. And so am I!
You are such a wonderful grandma!! I just want to warn you that the glow sticks can leak. I had one take the stain off my furniture once. I only let the kids play with them outside.
Lisa, Thank you for the warning. I have not experienced that so it is good to know. They only play with them under supervised conditions and only on rare occassions, but I really do appreciate you letting me know.
OH Simple gifts from God above. .very precious.
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving weekend to you!
Glow lights, rainbows and daisies...pleasures great and small! Oh...and I like the link to the rainbow cake that showed up at the bottom of this post. Fun!
Judy, beautiful rainbows. Your grandchildren are blessed.
Wasn't that the most FABULOUS rainbow!!!?? We were driving to church Weds night and watched it appear right in front of was the most vivid rainbow I have EVER seen! When we parked to take pictures we realized it was a double rainbow...magnificent! I love that while it was teaching your little ones at your house, it was doing the same for mine in my car!
You are a fun grandma! What a great time with something so simple and then to see a about teachable moments.
Mason and I saw a rainbow last week too!
Ashley and I were talking about what a creative and instructive 'mamaw'you are...and how blessed our children are because of it!!! Thank you for talking about rainbows..and lots of other things...with my precious ones! (Obviously, by leaving this comment, I arrived home safely!). Back to reality!!!!
Love you,
and thank you!
I'd love to come play with your family (smile)!
Love the rainbows!!!
I love those glow sticks too. We have used them for lot's of parties here and now we see them all of the time at our grandson's football games. Your little grandchildren sounds so adorable. I love what creative little souls children are. Your poem is beautiful!
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