Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Two Grandmas and Many Quilts

My husband was one of "49" grandchildren. Can you wrap your mind around a fact like that? And, to make it even more difficult for you to grasp, his grandma handmade quilts for each and everyone of her grandchildren. Pictured here is the one she made for my husband. This one is cut and appliqued, then quilted many years ago. As I was looking at the detailed workmanship on this quilt, I thought to myself, just how different I am as a grandma today. I now have six grandchildren and I have never made a quilt. I have been told that this dear lady never had a driver's license. She loved to quilt, making close to 100 quilts in her lifeftime, enjoyed making afghans, tending to her flower gardens,lots of laughter, and loved being around little children. We feel quite blessed to have this lovely quilt in our posession, knowing the time and love that went into each stitch. His grandma passed away when he was in his early twenties.

My grandma made quilts also, and she too made one for each of her "19" grandchildren. She also made each one of us afghans. I remember when she made this daisy one for me and how fortunate I felt to receive it. She also loved to quilt and thought it crucial for me to learn. I clearly remember one of her quilting parties, where I was invited. She patiently showed me how to make the stitches, evenly and in a straight line. I remember quite well, how the day seemed to last forever, and quickly I realized quilting just was not for me. Poor grandma. I am sure she was disappointed that I did not learn to love what she did. Both of our grandmas seemed to enjoy similar pasttimes, and fortunately for us, they left us with visible reminders of their care and love.

I look at this afghan so differently now than I did when she gave it to me. Now, that I am a grandma and I know how much I love my grandchildren and how happy I am to create for them. Funny how that is. I now treasure this piece. By the way, I was the 75th great-grandchildren when I was born. My grandpa was one of 13 children. In today's world, this info seemed so difficult to comprehend.

Yes, my world is totally different than their world, but the similarity is that we each treasure the precious little ones that we were given.


Love Being A Nonny said...

I love this post! I wonder, what will my grandchildren have to show one day? I don't sew, quilt, or knit. I need to get busy learning something!!! 49 grandchildren...now that's a lot of love!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post. They are both so beautiful. I have made all my 6 children an afghan but only on my first quilt. That appliqued one is amazing and the afghan is a nice pattern too. I could do that one.

Judy said...

What treasures...both of them! I can hardly imagine anyone making 49 quilts for grandchildren. When she made the first one...I'm sure she had no idea what she was starting!

You summed it all up...we each treasure our grands in our own unique way.

Melinda said...

Beautiful pieces of work. How fortunate you are to still have these. It is amazing how much thes kinds of things can mean to us.
I still have a blanket my mom made me and I remember taking it with me
to Nursery School as they called it back then!!!!

Have a nice evening.


Alison said...

So sweet...I always admire people who make quilts because they seem to carry so much emotion with them. What a special thing to have!

Tracy said...

How beautiful! Thank you for sharing these treasures. Interestingly, my Grandmothers were both also quilters and both made quilts for their Grandchildren, though not quite that many! I can't even fully wrap my brain around HAVING that many grandchildren! LOL. Though you may not have received the gift of quilting, you were definitely influenced by these two dear ladies...and their love for doing things for others. = )

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Judy, What an absolute delight to see these works of art! Gorgeous!!! I LOVE the poppy one.

BTW, I mention your cookie gift posting in my blog today --- I've wanted to highlight it for a while, but now it seems more 'perfect' with Christmas baking and gift giving coming more to the forefront.

Wishing you a happy day! Brenda

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Both quilt and afghan are such beautiful heirlooms! My mother-in-law crocheted a beautiful coverlet for each of her children and I can't wait to pass it on to my daughter when she gets married.

It was nice catching up m with you today, Judy. I've been out of commission with a foot injury. It's so hard for me to sit still and keep my foot iced and elevated..lol

Happy@Home said...

What a beautiful post showing the special love between grandmothers and their grandchildren. I think it is amazing to make 49 quilts. What a nice remembrance for the grandchildren each time they use them. Do you think we might take up quilting or crocheting if we didn't have a driver's licence? :-)

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

It is fun to read about "small" families (at least compared to the family sizes around here!)

I have the quilt my great grandmother made...and wonder if any of our great grandchildren will treasure quilts made by any of us modern women that are so busy all the time.

Christine said...

The treasures we pass onto our Grandchildren are endless!
Some pass on beautiful quilts, others pass on the gift of self, others pass on what ever is to give. It is because we love these precious babes, we can't help but give.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! Such treasures to pass down in the family! My grandmother was very talented too and wanted so much for me to learn. I was never interested and instead spent my time playing with all of the pretty thread. Now I wish I would have learned.

The Tiquehunters Wife said...

The quilts are beautiful, meaningful, heirloom treasures--your words are beautiful too!
Blessings from the Cabin, Claudia O

Bethany said...

Beautiful, Judy! I love the one with the daisies! I love daisies...I had the bridesmaids carry them at my wedding.
49 grandchildren??????!!!!!! what in the world? He must have so many aunts and uncles and a lot of brothers and sisters! Wow! It is so uncommon these days, although I must say at my brother's chuch (in Minnesota) many of the families have 8 - 10 kids. My brother and his wife stopped at 4. they are like the smallest family in the church. haha
I still remember my grandma teaching me how to crochet when I was so young...my little sister and I would stay at her house for a whole week (now I realize--how nice for my parents that was!!!)anyways sweet sweet memories! I love my grandparents and miss them so much! It's difficult to live so far away. My dad's parents will be celebrating their 71st wedding anniversary this Thursday!!! They are still living in the same house where my dad grew up. still completely independent! I'm so grateful for them.
look at me rambling in a comment!thanks for posting, Judy!
love ya,


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