This is the book. I took it to the office supply store and asked them to enlarge four of the pages, into 8 x 10 inch matted finish. She chose shabby chic white 8 x 10 inch frames and the project was completed. I thought they turned out so nicely, that I wanted to share them with you. Don't you think they will look so cute on the softly painted green walls of their little room?
However, they are hung, I think it is a clever way to use a childhood book or childhood photos, to decorate a child's bedroom. The glass causes a bit of a glare on these pictures, but I thought I would share them anyway.
That is an absolutely precious idea. Ask her to show them to us when they are on the wall.
I still have all of the Golden Books from my boys. They are so innocent and sweet. Some of them are by authors who are very famous now.
What a great idea! These are absolutely beautiful. I would also like to see them on the wall. I really like the idea of using glass knobs. It sounds so pretty and who would have thought. Thank you so much for sharing so many wonderful ideas with us.
What an incredible idea! I love those pictures, the frames and yes, they'll be lovely on a pale green wall! What an awesome addition to the girls' bedroom. = )
What a wonderful idea. I've been giving books to our grown children for Christmas - books that they remember from their young years. Love hearing their discussions and reminising about the things they remember with each book - almost my favorite part of Christmas. In this tech age books are still the BEST!
What a wonderful idea! The frames are perfect...and to hang them from glass knobs is a great idea.
Now...why did I not keep all of the children's books?
A charming way to bring these wonderful children's books into the present.
As a child, I loved those Golden Books, esp. the sweet artwork.
Judy, they are just precious.
Barb ♥
I LOVE this! Can you tell me where she got those frames? Looking for one like those!
This is a darling idea and they look so pretty in the white frames. I have a large collection of Golden books illustrated by Eloise Wilkin. I adore her artwork. When my boy's were little I loved to read them "We Help Mommy" and We Help Daddy".
What a charming way to adorn a child's room. Love it! Thanks for sharing your idea.
Those are so adorable - I remember that book well. My mom still has her copy, and we read it to Grace. I did something similar in her room with four different books from my childhood. I should post the pictures! Can't wait to see her little girl's room - I'm sure it will be precious!
I'm a big fan of Eloise Wilkin too.
I wonder who owns the copyright to her works? I think lots of people would love to be able to purchase prints of her works.
In light of this idea on the post, I want you all to know I am very well aware of copyrite laws. I only copied these four pictures for our personal use. We have no intent of making copies for anyone else, or selling any that we made. It was just an idea to use from our daughter's old little book.
Again, you're never ceasing to amaze me! WOW! Love it! Great idea!
I have always loved that book! Wonderful idea! and I know they will look charming on the pale green wall!
I use a lot of vintage illustrations and ephemera, for my personal use in my artwork, to decorate my home and for gifts for friends,too! Such a joy to see this lovely, vintage art, given new life!
Blessings to you!
Claudia O.
Really good idea. Those are pretty.
This is a marvelous idea and I am going to mention it to my creative DIL here in Arizona and then to my duaghter when we get back to Georgia. The book covers just look so beautiful.
blessings and hugs,
cute idea! I would like it with the ribbons and glass knobs!
Oh my gosh I read that same book to my little girls. What a beautiful idea. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Precious are these moments.
I have had the same book since my childhood Judy! I read it to my children and i bought a new edition for my grandson. Eloise Wilkins' illustrations were always so charming, and she is the artist in many Golden Books. I've collected most of them over the years.
I think they make lovely wall art! A wonderful idea!
Hi Judy,
I found a beautiful Little Golden Book Treasury of Eloise Wilkin at T.J. Maxx or Ross that I bought for Caroline for Christmas. I absolutely love her pictures. A gentler time for sure.
Just to let you know I came via Kim's Happy @ Home.
You have a lovely blog.
those are so adorable!!! And the glass knob idea with ribbon will only heighten it's adorableness! :)
I love it, what a neat idea. they are so beautiful. daughter has that same book from when she was little. What a great idea!!
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