Sunday, November 8, 2009

Unexpected Joy

Every once in a while, some unexpected joy can come your way. It doesn't have to be anything big or can be small, like a new green motorcycle on a Sunday afternoon, but it can make your whole day. If it has a kickstand on the side that makes it be able to stand by itself...well, that is a double blessing. A big thank you to the relatives that sent this my way!
Unexpected joys...what God gives us throughout our daily lives. Sometimes we recognize them, and sometimes we don't. My prayer... the ability to recognjze them, and to be thankful for them, whether they are tiny or more significant.


lindsey said...

Lovely post, thankyou for the reminder to recognise those unexpected joys that come from the Lord

Connie said...

Amen! Thanks for the sunday lesson and reminder! I love it! Simple joys!!


Lauren said...

Well if that little face doesn't make you stop and take notice of our blessings, I'm not sure what could.

There is pure bliss in the eyes of a child...

Stacey said...

Amen. Thanks for the reminder and the peek at that precious little face.

Love Being A Nonny said...

I pray that I always recognize the unexpected joys. I had a few just today.

Melinda said...

I know how this little guy feels.
As I said in my post this morning--
Mr. Ken and I were going to put up the Christmas lights since the weather was soooo nice.
I don't know that is is unexpected
but I do get great joy of seeing the lights on our house and when they ALL work I guess that could be the unexpected part.
We get so busy in our everyday lives that we miss these times.

Have a great Monday!


Anonymous said...

Love this post Judy! Thank you. Many Blessings to you and your family. Your little guy is just adorable ♥

Judy said...

It's recognizing and acknowledging those little everyday blessings...that makes every day special. Thanks for the reminder.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Unexpected joy is wonderful...

Anonymous said...

great post! I want to always recognize them too!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a wonderful surprise --- and a great reminder that joy comes in all shapes, sizes and colours!

A snapshot to treasure for sure!

LisaShaw said...

This warmed my heart!


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